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How to Help Addicts

Most people expect that if a person addicted to alcohol or other drugs does not want to enter rehab then the treatment programme will be a waste of time and money. THIS IS ENTIRELY UNTRUE. It has been proven again and again that most addicted people experience a high degree of ambivalence and conflict about whether they should […]

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Addiction Advice

The search for sound addictions advice by the family or friends of an addicted person can often result in an orchestrated crisis (see our articles on intervention) that results in the drug addicted patient accepting their need for proper treatment. The most common misperception about drug addictions and their effective rehabilitation is that the patient must be entirely […]

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Get Help for Drug Detox

Different people start using drugs for many different reasons, but at some stage most people realise that they need to get some help to detoxify form their drug usage as it is becoming harmful. The first stage of giving up drugs is getting help for a drug detox. The goal of detoxification is to eliminate the […]

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How to Arrange Effective Addiction Treatment

There are perhaps more varieties of addictions in the world today than there have ever been, each having its own influence and side-effects that vary from person to person and addiction to addiction. These addictions can be related to a number of things, such as drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling and even shopping and online video […]

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Relapse Prevention Treatment Programmes

Giving up drugs and striving towards an addiction free life is not something that is easily done. Nor is it a one-time experience. It requires a lifetime of vigilance and work to ensure the prevention of a relapse. While one rehab stay may be enough to help certain individuals, it really does vary from person […]

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Find An Addiction Clinic Near You

When suffering from an addiction there is little that can be done to help oneself. The old myth that this was due to lack of willpower is absolutely untrue! Latest research has proven that once addicted a person’s brain is effectively hijacked and the urge to use drugs is like feeding yourself food when you’re starving. Can […]

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