Addiction Treatment & Rehab Services in South Africa

Drug and alcohol addictions can make life a living hell. Addictions have symptoms, a prognosis and treatment options like any other illness. Our counsellors are here to help you today.



    Understanding Addiction Treatment

    Addiction is often stigmatised and misrepresented in films and media, which may not align with the real experience of treatment that you or your loved one might go through.

    Individuals struggling with addiction typically display varying levels of denial. A key goal of treatment is to methodically dismantle these justifications that fuel substance use. In rehab centers, experienced professionals adeptly assist individuals in confronting and overcoming their denial.

    This is a primary focus in the initial phase of treatment.

    The process is time-intensive but important for recovery. True progress begins when you or your loved one develops a deep understanding of the problem, paving the way for taking responsibility for recovery. After effectively dealing with denial, the treatment then progresses to address the wider aspects of addiction recovery.

    The goal is to guide you or your loved one back to normal functioning – to a life that isn’t dominated by substance abuse. This is an individualised path for each patient and the treatment centres we work with are committed to providing personalised care, taking into account the unique experiences, struggles and strengths of each patient.

    Complete List Of Rehab Types A – Z

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    While each person is unique there are four aspects of treatment that are vital in effective treatment for addiciton.

    What is the Admission Process for Rehabilitation Centres?

    Choosing to enter treatment for alcoholism or addiction is a significant decision that often involves the support of family and friends. While the addict must ultimately be willing to enter treatment, the involvement of loved ones is often crucial. Professionals at rehabilitation centres, such as We Do Recover, understand the complexities of this process and are trained to handle each case individually. The admission process varies depending on the circumstances, and in some cases, family or friends may arrange a staged intervention with a counsellor or a member of a 12-step fellowship. These interventions confront the addict with the reality of their disease and the consequences of their behaviour, sometimes delivering an ultimatum to encourage them to choose treatment.

    Rehabilitation centres structure their programmes to gradually reintroduce the addict back into society after a period of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The admission process typically starts with a comprehensive questionnaire and a medical examination to assess the addict’s physical condition and determine their stage in the detox process. Based on this evaluation, the addict may be admitted to a detox programme within the facility or integrated into the recovery community, where they will participate in group and individual therapy sessions. As part of the process, addicts are often required to surrender their phones to focus on recovery, with agreed visiting times and frequencies. Each rehabilitation centre has its own set of rules, clearly stated upfront during admission. If you or a loved one needs help with substance abuse, contact us for a free consultation and support in your recovery journey.

    Multidisciplinary Approach

    Effective addiction treatment requires a team of diverse professionals, including doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and addiction counsellors. This ensures comprehensive care and reduces the risk of relapse.

    Accreditation and Expertise

    It’s important that the chosen rehab center is fully licensed and staffed by experienced and accredited professionals. The stigma surrounding addiction often hinders people from seeking help but professional treatment is a positive step forward.

    Low Success Without Treatment

    Statistically, only about 4% of those with addiction achieve one year of sobriety without professional help. Addiction is a brain disease, not a matter of willpower or intellect and can affect anyone regardless of their background.

    Benefits of Professional Treatment

    Professional and private treatment offers a chance to live a fulfilled life without reliance on substances. It aids in rebuilding lives and restoring health and success.

    Inside an Addiction Treatment Center

    The initial focus is on safely managing withdrawal symptoms, which can range from mild to life-threatening, depending on the substance and usage history.

    Counselling, Therapy and Education
    Post-detox, the treatment addresses psychological and emotional factors contributing to addiction. This includes strategies to avoid relapse, understanding the causes of dependence and learning to cope without substances.

    The Role of Group Therapy
    Group therapy, considered a core treatment modality, provides a sense of universality and connection with others in similar situations, aiding in recovery.

    Finding the Right Center
    Organizations like WeDoRecover can guide individuals to suitable, accredited treatment centers in various locations, ensuring the best possible care for those in need.

    Defining Addiction Treatment Types

    Addiction treatment primarily focuses on drugs, encompassing both illegal street drugs and prescription medications, as well as alcohol. These substances often necessitate inpatient treatment. However, addiction is not limited to just these substances; it frequently includes a variety of co-occurring behaviors. People can develop addictions to an extensive range of activities or processes, many of which are more common than one might expect.

    This below list encapsulates both substance-related and behavior-related addictions, see our exhaustive list on the addiction types.

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    The key factor in identifying an addiction, regardless of whether it is to a substance or a behaviour, lies in its impact:

    Does it adversely affect the individual or those around them? Furthermore, the pattern of repeating the behaviour despite facing negative consequences is a critical indicator of addiction. This criteria helps in recognising and addressing the broad spectrum of addictions that individuals may struggle with.

    “I can do it alone”

    A lot of people baulk at the prospect of addiction treatment. They provide a lot of very good reasons to stay out of a drug rehab center or alcohol rehab. However, it is a sad truth that very few people are able to beat addiction independently. They try to stop using and feel despondent when they inevitably fail. This leads them to believe that they cannot ever stop which just makes the addiction worse. Effective addiction treatment interrupts the cycle of using and helps the addict develop skills and attitudes to live life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Professional addiction treatment provided in a drug rehab center or alcohol rehabilitation facility is informed by years of research and clinical experience. The clinicians are able to identify the features of addiction and develop an addiction treatment program to address the individual features of the patient’s addiction. They are able to assess the patient and provide medical and psychotherapeutic interventions to treat the illness. You wouldn’t expect a cancer patient to be able to overcome cancer independently, why should addiction be any different?

    Addiction treatment needs to start with a properly supervised detoxification (“detox”) to rid the body of any leftover toxins. This helps the patient approach addiction treatment with a clear mind and sound body. Most drug rehab centers offer a detox program but some will refer a client to a specialist unit. It is fundamental for a detox to be medically supervised and you should always consult with your doctor regarding this decision.

    Success stories

    It is hard to measure the “success” of an addiction treatment program. Ideally, the aim of addiction treatment is to help the addict or alcoholic remain abstinent and in recovery for the rest of her life. In this case, “success” can only be measured when the addict finally dies at a ripe old age having lived a happy and fruitful life. Addiction treatment does not purport to “cure” addiction. Even if you have completed addiction treatment you will not be able to use drugs or drink alcohol. Relapse into addiction is inevitable if you again start drinking or using drugs. When a clinic claims to have an “80% success” rate you should be careful to check how they define success and whether their claim has been independently verified. The old joke that approximately 47.23% of all statistics are made up on the spot is sadly a truism of life. Rather let us look at success within the broader context of addiction recovery. The success of a program shouldn’t be measured simply as a function of the 28 days a person spends at the drug rehab or alcohol rehabilitation center. Rather let us say that the clinic should offer ongoing care and support in the form of aftercare, groups or individual sessions. A definition of success should include some measure of ongoing support and recovery.

    Save a loved one from Addiction

    Addiction to any substance is a progressive illness that gets worse and worse. Unless you take the steps to effectively intervene in the crisis then the victim’s drug or alcohol dependency will eventually lead to disastrous consequences. Sometimes people say that you should wait to hold a drug and alcohol intervention until the addict reaches “rock bottom” – the point where his/her life has become so bad they cannot continue using.

    The truth is that an addiction treatment program in a competent alcohol rehab can help clients recover even if they are initially unwilling to be admitted. The longer you leave substance abuse untreated the worse your loved one will get. We understand that it is not just a drug addict or alcoholic who is affected by their substance abuse. The whole family suffers the trauma of having to watch their loved one slide down towards destruction. Choose an effective drug rehab or alcohol rehabilitation treatment program in advance of your intervention.

    You can’t delay this decision if you expect to help your loved one recover.

    "Thank you so much; your team was outstanding in supporting my partner's recovery." – Anika

    "The compassionate support my daughter received from your team gave us hope during tough times." – Lian

    "Your care during my husband's darkest days was amazing for our family." – Jacks

    "The professionalism and empathy shown by your staff to my sister were beyond commendable." – Piet

    "I can't express enough how much your support has meant for my brother's recovery." – Pierre

    "Thanks to your team, my wife has found a new beginning." – Tom

    "I appreciate the dedication you showed towards my son's recovery." – Willam

    "Every step of the way, your team was there with my fiancé. Thank you!" – Ava

    "The support provided by your staff was instrumental in my mother's recovery." – Marius

    "Thank you for the hope and strength you've given my father." – Isla

    "Your team's approach was exactly what my nephew needed to recover." – Lucas

    "The understanding and help from your counsellors have changed my granddaughter's life." – Mia

    "I am now healthier and happier, seeing my brother's improvement, thanks to your support." – Jacob

    "Your guidance has been a lifeline for our family." – Ella

    "Forever thankful for all the help and encouragement you provided my partner." – Alfie

    "Your team's kindness and expertise were crucial for my daughter's journey." – Charlotte

    "I've regained control over my life, seeing how you've helped my son." – Elize

    "I'm writing to express my heartfelt thanks for your wonderful care of my wife." – Hendrik

    "Your staff was incredibly supportive and understanding throughout my husband's treatment." – Jaco

    "Thank you for helping my sister rebuild her confidence and her life." – Tiaan

    "You've given my father the tools to continue his path with hope." – Evie

    "I couldn't have made it without your team's persistent support for my son." – George

    "I felt supported and understood, thanks to your amazing team caring for my mother." – Isabella

    "Thank you for standing by me and supporting my brother when he felt alone." – Leo

    "Your team's efforts have significantly impacted my wife's life for the better." – AB

    "The compassion and care my father received were exceptional." – Daisy

    "Every single member of your staff has been incredible in treating my daughter. Thank you." – Bilal

    "Your support team was responsive and incredibly helpful during my wife's treatment." – Dewald

    "I've never felt so supported and cared for, seeing how you treated my brother." – Andries

    "Grateful for the outstanding care and personalised attention my son received." – Jessica

    "Your team helped my partner find the way when she was lost." – Tom

    "Thank you for providing such a thoughtful and well-rounded programme for my nephew." – Ellie

    "I am sincerely thankful for the patience and respect you showed my granddaughter." – Barend

    "The care my son received was nothing short of fantastic." – Emma

    "Thanks for the brilliant support and for believing in my husband." – Heila

    "Your team was there for my wife at every turn." – Jake

    "The guidance from your counsellors has profoundly helped my nephew." – Alfie

    "My daughter has found a new lease on life thanks to your excellent team." – S

    "Each day now feels brighter, seeing my son's recovery." – Gerhard

    "Truly, I appreciate all the support during my wife's time of need." – Dan

    "Your team has been a crucial part of my brother's path to health." – Ruan

    "Heartfelt thanks for your support for my partner." – Chloe

    "Thanks to your team, my daughter is thriving and hopeful." – Mohammed

    "Your professional care genuinely saved my wife's life." – Suresh

    "I am grateful every day for your support and kindness towards my husband." – Raj

    "Your dedication to my son's wellbeing has been incredible." – Khadija

    "Thank you for everything; it's been a experience for my niece." – Logan

    "I couldn't have asked for better support and understanding for my grandmother." – Mariam

    "Your dedication to my brother's wellbeing has been incredible." – Theo

    "You've helped my wife turn her life around." – EB

    Choosing an Alcohol or Drug Rehab Can Be A Lifesaving Decision

    The stakes of not addressing substance abuse, including both alcohol and drug addiction, are alarmingly high. Untreated addiction can lead to tragic outcomes such as death, permanent disability or other devastating consequences. These risks underscore the critical importance of seeking professional treatment for your loved one.

    When it comes to alcohol and drug abuse, the dangers extend far beyond physical health. Addiction can erode mental well-being, strain relationships, impair job performance and lead to legal troubles. The ripple effect touches every aspect of the individual’s life, as well as the lives of those around them.

    Making the decision to pursue alcohol rehab or drug dependency treatment is more than a health choice; it’s a commitment to a safer, healthier future for your loved one and their entire network of family and friends. The passage to recovery can be challenging but the life-saving benefits of rehab cannot be overstated. By choosing to support your loved one in getting the help they need, you’re not just addressing a critical health issue – you’re potentially saving their life and restoring hope for a brighter, substance-free future

    We Help You Choose a Rehab

    At WeDoRecover, we recognise that selecting the right rehab facility can be overwhelming due to the vast number of options available. Our role is to simplify this process for you, ensuring that you find a rehab center that not only fits your budget but also meets the specific clinical needs necessary for effective recovery. We consider various factors, including the type of addiction, mental health considerations and the most supportive environment for your or your loved one’s recovery process.

    By reaching out to us, you’ll gain access to swift, confidential guidance to navigate through the myriad of accredited facilities and their diverse programs and therapies. Our aim is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your choice is well-informed and tailored to restore your family’s well-being. Contact us today for personalised assistance in making this critical decision.

    Forcing Rehab

    In South Africa, it’s possible to obtain a court order for mandatory admission into an alcohol rehab center. This decision, while challenging and potentially straining family dynamics, is sometimes a necessary measure to ensure the safety and well-being of a loved one grappling with addiction. It’s a step taken out of deep concern, aiming to protect them from the severe physical consequences of their addiction.

    The process starts with selecting an effective treatment center capable of accommodating and providing care for individuals under a court order. This may seem daunting but it’s a more straightforward process than it appears. If you’re unsure about where to begin or how to navigate the legal aspects of getting your loved one the essential treatment they need, we’re here to assist. Our team can guide you in finding local mental health resources and support you through each step of this important decision. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for compassionate and professional help in this critical time.

    Types of Addiction Treatment Available

    Addiction treatment is a multilayered field, encompassing various approaches and therapies to cater to the diverse needs of individuals struggling with substance abuse. Here’s an exploration of the different types of treatments available, including their unique features and methodologies.

    12-Step Based Rehabs

    Originating from the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, 12-step programs are widespread in addiction treatment. These rehabs focus on a set of guiding principles that provide a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion or other behavioural problems. The process includes acknowledging powerlessness over the addiction, recognising a higher power, examining past errors with the help of a sponsor and making amends. These programs emphasise peer support and ongoing participation in group meetings.

    Psychology-Based Treatment

    This treatment hinges on psychological methods and therapies to address addiction. It includes cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which helps individuals recognise and change negative thoughts and behaviors related to substance use. Another approach is motivational interviewing, which resolves ambivalence toward treatment and helps build motivation for change. Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is also used, especially for those with dual diagnoses to manage emotions and reduce self-destructive behaviors.

    Alternative Treatments

    These are non-traditional therapies that complement conventional treatment methods. They include art therapy, music therapy, equine-assisted therapy, yoga and meditation. These therapies focus on emotional expression, stress management and mindfulness offering holistic healing.

    Individual Therapy

    This one-on-one therapy is a cornerstone of most addiction treatment programs. It allows for personalised care and attention to individual struggles. Therapists work closely with clients to understand their unique history with addiction, underlying causes and triggers. This personalised approach helps in developing coping strategies and relapse prevention plans tailored to individual needs.

    Family Therapy

    Recognising the impact of addiction on the family unit, many programs include family therapy. This approach addresses the relational dynamics and communication patterns within the family, facilitating healing and support for both the individual and their loved ones.

    Each of these treatment types offers unique benefits and can be more effective when combined. The choice of treatment depends on the individual’s specific needs, addiction severity and personal preferences. It’s important for anyone seeking help for addiction to explore these options and consult with professionals to determine the most suitable path toward recovery.

    Rehab Icon
    Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.

    Choosing An Addiction Treatment Program

    The effectiveness of a treatment plan is highly contingent on how well it aligns with the specific needs, experiences and circumstances of the patient. Firstly, the nature of addiction itself is often intertwined with underlying psychological issues, physical health concerns and social-environmental factors. For instance, someone struggling with addiction as well as a mental health disorder like depression or anxiety may require a different treatment approach, such as dual diagnosis treatment, compared to someone whose addiction does not co-occur with other mental health issues.

    Personal preferences and beliefs play a important role.

    A treatment modality that resonates with the patient’s beliefs and lifestyle is more likely to be effective. For example, someone who finds solace in spirituality may benefit more from a 12-step program, which upholds spiritual growth, whereas another individual might prefer a more scientific, psychology-based approach.

    The patient’s history with addiction also influences the choice of treatment.

    Those who have had multiple attempts at recovery might need a more intensive or alternative approach compared to those who are seeking help for the first time.

    Practical factors such as the availability of treatments, the patient’s familial and social support systems and financial resources can significantly impact the feasibility and sustainability of a treatment plan.

    The process of selecting the right treatment requires a comprehensive assessment by professionals who can consider all these factors. It involves not only addressing the physical dependence on substances but also delving into psychological, emotional and social aspects of the patient’s life. The goal is to provide a treatment plan that not only addresses the immediate challenge of addiction but also cultivates long-term recovery and well-being.

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    Rehab might feel like a scary option. However you are here for a good reason. Don’t wait until your life falls apart. Let's chat about some options.

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    Help A Loved One

    If you feel as if you are losing someone you love to drugs or alcohol? We can help you find the right support and care to change course they are on.

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    Frequent Questions

    Addiction can become a complex issue, dealing with loved ones and relationships that are in turmoil. We are here to help navigate the path with you.

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