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Addiction Terms


In the vast world of illicit drugs, certain names have gained notoriety due to their effects on the user and the consequences for society. One such drug is “Crank,” a street term for amphetamines, known for its intense stimulant properties. Crank and its Effects on Addicts Crank primarily targets the central nervous system, leading to […]

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Aversive Conditioning

In the vast landscape of behavioral therapies, aversive conditioning remains one of the most debated techniques. Historically, it has been used to tackle deeply ingrained undesirable behaviors by pairing them with an unpleasant stimulus. But while its methods may sound straightforward, the ethical and psychological implications make it a topic of contention in modern therapeutic […]

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For those seeking relief from anxiety or insomnia, Ativan, a brand name for the chemical Lorazepam, may sound like a beacon of hope. But, as with all medications, it’s crucial to understand its potential effects and limitations. This article delves into Ativan’s intricacies, how to recognize it, and clears up common misconceptions. Ativan at a […]

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In the realm of drug development and therapy, understanding how a drug behaves once it enters the body is of paramount importance. This study, known as pharmacokinetics, lays the foundation for how drugs are administered, how they’re metabolized, and ultimately, how they exert their effects. Understanding Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics (often abbreviated as PK) is the branch […]

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What is alcoholism?

For many, alcohol is a companion during celebratory times, a coping mechanism during challenging moments, or simply a social drink shared with friends. But for some, it transforms into an insidious enemy, leading them down a path of physical and mental dependence. This overwhelming compulsion to consume alcohol, despite its damaging repercussions, is referred to […]

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Space Balling

In the ever-evolving world of substance abuse, unique and potentially lethal combinations are continuously emerging. One such combination is “Space balling,” where cocaine is mixed with phencyclidine (PCP) before ingestion. Delving into the intricacies of this drug mix, its risks, and its effects is critical to raising awareness and potentially saving lives. What is Space […]

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