
Serenity in addiction recovery refers to a state of peace and calmness, achieved through sobriety and personal growth. It involves physical, mental and emotional well-being following rehabilitation. The concept is central in 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous with the “Serenity Prayer” serving as a guiding mantra. This prayer emphasises acceptance of unchangeable circumstances, courage to change what can be altered and wisdom to differentiate the two. Serenity can also be fostered through mindfulness practices like meditation, aiding in coping with cravings and stress. Achieving this state is a personal journey, requiring dedication to sobriety, confronting personal issues and a commitment to personal development and healing.

Inner Peace

Inner peace is a stable state of psychological and spiritual calm that persists despite external stressors or chaos. It encompasses various dimensions: physically, it involves a harmonious relationship with one’s body, maintained through practices like regular exercise, adequate sleep and proper nutrition. Mentally, it requires cultivating a positive mindset, managing stress and achieving clarity of thought, often by controlling and redirecting thoughts and focusing on the present.

Emotionally, inner peace is akin to the emotional well-being found in recovery serenity, involving understanding and accepting emotions, developing resilience and maintaining stability, using techniques like emotional regulation and empathy. The spiritual dimension, though not explicit in addiction recovery, plays a important role in inner peace, often involving a connection to something greater, be it through religion, personal spirituality or a sense of unity with nature or humanity.

The principles of the “Serenity Prayer” used in addiction recovery also apply here, teaching acceptance of the unchangeable, courage to change what can be altered and wisdom to know the difference. Mindfulness and meditation, valuable in achieving serenity in recovery, are also vital in cultivating inner peace, helping to stay grounded and reduce anxiety. Ultimately, achieving inner peace is a personal journey involving self-exploration, confronting challenges and a commitment to ongoing growth and self-improvement.

The Hippies Were Right

Finding serenity or inner peace is a fundamental human pursuit, important for restoring balance and calm in life. This concept is particularly vital in addiction recovery, where starting with practices that nurture inner peace can be a central first step. Individuals often employ mindfulness-like techniques to regain control over their emotions and identify disruptive patterns, contributing to their sense of serenity.

This approach aligns with the principles of the 1960s Hippy movement, which strongly advocated for peace. The Hippies emphasised peace not only as an individual pursuit but as a broader social and environmental ethos. They advocated for a harmonious interaction among people and with nature, critiquing what they saw as the distorted nature of contemporary society. For them, the essence of healing both personal and societal ills lay in embracing peace and love. These values were seen as antidotes to the factors causing harm within oneself and in interactions with others, suggesting a profound interconnectedness between personal serenity and global harmony.

The concept of serenity, initially influenced by the Hippy movement, significantly shaped modern approaches to personal and spiritual development, particularly evident in programs like AA and NA. These programs emphasise self-love, greater consciousness and the role of a higher power as a guiding force in the path towards inner peace and personal growth.

This higher power, (not always defined religiously but often referred to as God), acts as a supportive element for self-restoration, encouraging individuals to acknowledge their limitations and seek guidance beyond themselves. Additionally, the practice of mindfulness, a more modern term for ancient techniques of achieving self awareness and tranquility to complement this quest. It involves being fully present and non-judgmental, enhancing self-awareness and emotional regulation.

The serenity prayer is an easy to remember guide that embodies this process, reflecting a continuum of ancient practices adapted for today’s world, focusing on achieving harmony within oneself and with the external environment. This pursuit of serenity, inner peace and self-love remains a timeless endeavor, bridging past and present approaches to personal and spiritual well-being.

Serenity in Western Culture

While more famous for psychedelics and their drug culture. The Hippy movement also introduced Western societies to many Eastern and other philosophies, significantly influencing modern addiction treatment and psycology today. Practices like Yoga, meditation and mindfulness, rooted in Eastern spirituality, have become integral to Western recovery culture. Yoga with its combination of physical postures, breath control and meditative practices, plays a important role in reducing stress, enhancing physical wellness and promoting emotional balance. Meditation, particularly mindfulness, has been embraced for its ability to cultivate calm, clarity and focus, aiding in relapse prevention, mental clarity and ultimately serenety. These practices have been integrated into Western recovery programs, bridging methods like the 12-step program and therapy.

Discover Serenity: Your Complete Addiction Guide

Serenity can be defined as the state of being peaceful and calm and in drug terms, returning to good health and a new lifestyle. Get help from qualified counsellors.

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    Founded in 2008, WeDoRecover has evolved from an advisory service for addiction treatment into a comprehensive provider of care, following its 2019 merger with Changes Addiction Rehab in Johannesburg. Specialising in connecting patients to top-tier addiction treatment centers in the UK, South Africa and Thailand, WeDoRecover supports individuals globally, including those from the United Arab Emirates and Europe. Accepting both South African medical aid and international health insurance our organisation facilitates access to high-quality treatment for substance and alcohol use disorders, offering individualised care that addresses the physical, mental and social needs of patients.

    Our team, led by Gareth Carter, offers empathetic and professional support, guiding you through every step of the treatment process. Whether you're in South Africa or abroad, our acceptance of various insurance plans makes quality care accessible, providing a platform for lasting recovery and a healthier future.

    Inpatient Rehab

    Rehab care is a good option if you are at risk of experiencing strong withdrawal symptoms when you try stop a substance. This option would also be recommended if you have experienced recurrent relapses or if you have tried a less-intensive treatment without success.


    If you're committed to your sobriety but cannot take a break from your daily duties for an inpatient program. Outpatient rehab treatment might suit you well if you are looking for a less restricted format for addiction treatment or simply need help with mental health.


    Therapy can be good step towards healing and self-discovery. If you need support without disrupting your routine, therapy offers a flexible solution for anyone wishing to enhance their mental well-being or work through personal issues in a supportive, confidential environment.

    Mental Health

    Are you having persistent feelings of being swamped, sad or have sudden surges of anger or intense emotional outbursts? These are warning signs of unresolved trauma mental health. A simple assesment by a mental health expert could provide valuable insights into your recovery.

    Finding the right rehab close to you is simple with WeDoRecover. Our network includes the finest rehab centers, ensuring personalised, quality care for your recovery needs. Let Gareth Carter and our empathetic team help guide you to a center that feels right for you, offering expert care and support. Start your healing today by choosing a rehab that's not just close to you, but also that truly cares about your loved ones recovery.

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