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Workplace Addiction Treatment

Investing in the mental wellbeing of your employees has far-reaching benefits for both the individual and your company. When staff feel supported, they are more likely to remain in their roles, contributing to a reduction in absenteeism, a decrease in sick leave, and lowered staff turnover. This, in turn, translates to financial savings for your […]

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Naltrexone Implant

Naltrexone is a pharmaceutical agent known as an opioid receptor antagonist, which is employed in the medical management of both alcohol and opioid dependence. Your understanding of its role in treating alcohol dependence is critical; naltrexone was sanctioned for this purpose in 1994 after research demonstrated its efficacy in diminishing the frequency and severity of […]

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Four Absolutes

The origins of the Twelve-Step Recovery process are deeply rooted in principles adopted from the Oxford Group, especially its Four Absolutes – Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, and Love. Dr. Bob, a co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), emphasised the crucial role of the Four Absolutes in the formative years of AA. Before the Twelve Steps were established, […]

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Addiction often stems from a need to escape from overwhelming emotions or stressful life situations. Individuals may turn to substances or behaviors that provide temporary relief and detachment. This core emotion is not a pursuit of pleasure but an attempt to avoid discomfort or pain, frequently rooted in trauma or emotional isolation. Escapism in addiction […]

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Whoonga, also known as nyaope or wonga, is a dangerous drug that started to feature in South Africa around 2009. It’s typically a mix of black tar heroin and various additives, which can range from pharmaceutical drugs to household cleaning chemicals. These additives are used to increase the volume of the drug and enhance its […]

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Cannabis Culture

Cannabis has a history that is intertwined with many cultures, used for medicinal, spiritual and recreational purposes across ancient civilizations like China and Egypt. Its perception shifted in the 20th century as countries began criminalising it due to psychoactive effects concerns. In the 1960s and 70s, it became a symbol of the counterculture movement, advocating […]

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Prohibition, as a general concept, refers to the legal enforcement by governments to restrict or ban the production, distribution and consumption of certain substances or behaviours deemed harmful to society. Historically, the most notable instance of prohibition was the ban on alcohol in the United States from 1920 to 1933, aimed at addressing social issues […]

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Teetotalism refers to the commitment or advocacy for complete personal avoidance of alcohol consumption, particularly in the form of alcoholic beverages. Individuals who adhere to teetotalism are known as teetotalers or are described as being teetotal. Worldwide, nearly 50% of adults abstain from drinking alcohol, not including those who have previously drunk but have since […]

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Tough Love

Bill Milliken’s concept of tough love is predicated on the idea that actions taken out of love, even if perceived as harsh, are ultimately for the individual’s benefit. He stresses the importance of ensuring that the person on the receiving end of tough love is aware of the caregiver’s affection and intentions. However, Maia Szalavitz […]

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