Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) consists of birth defects and developmental abnormalities resulting from alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy. FAS is characterised by brain damage and growth issues with the severity of symptoms varying among affected children. Unfortunately, the damage caused by FAS is irreversible.

Consuming alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is risky, as no safe level has been established. Alcohol exposure can lead to significant developmental and physical problems in the fetus, including distinctive facial features, growth retardation and organ deformities. Intellectual disabilities and problems with emotional regulation and social interaction are also common in children with FAS.

Symptoms of FAS cover a broad spectrum, including but not limited to:

  • Distinct facial characteristics such as small eye openings, thin upper lip and flattened space between the nose and upper lip.
  • Physical anomalies like joint, limb and finger deformities, as well as heart, kidney and bone issues.
  • Growth deficiencies before and after birth.
  • Neurological issues, including poor coordination, learning disabilities and behavioural problems.

Diagnosing FAS early can mitigate some of the long-term effects, particularly in areas such as learning difficulties and behavioural challenges. If you consumed alcohol during pregnancy and are concerned about your child’s development, consulting a healthcare professional promptly is crucial.

The cause of FAS is direct: alcohol from the mother’s bloodstream crosses the placenta to the fetus, impairing growth and causing damage. The fetus’s inability to process alcohol as efficiently as an adult leads to heightened blood alcohol levels, which can interfere with the development of vital organs and systems. The risk of FAS is present throughout pregnancy and the likelihood of developmental issues increases with the quantity of alcohol consumed.

Risk factors for FAS include any alcohol consumption during pregnancy. To prevent FAS, women should abstain from alcohol if they are pregnant, think they might be pregnant or are trying to conceive. For those with alcohol dependence issues, seeking help before becoming pregnant is advisable.

Complications from FAS extend beyond birth, potentially leading to secondary disabilities such as ADHD, mental health disorders, educational difficulties, employment issues and substance abuse.

Prevention of FAS

Abstain from alcohol during pregnancy. Stopping alcohol consumption as soon as pregnancy is detected—or better yet, if pregnancy is planned—can prevent FAS. Women of childbearing age are advised to consider the risks of alcohol consumption, especially if they are sexually active and not using contraception, as many pregnancies are unplanned.

What is FAS? Understanding Addiction: A Summary of FAS

Learn about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): causes, symptoms and treatments. Get a concise overview of addiction impacts on FAS. Get help from qualified counsellors.

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