Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking: a term used to describe excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, either within a short time frame with the express purpose of getting drunk; or a steady amount of alcohol over a long period of time. Five or more drinks for a male and four or more drinks for a female constitute binge drinking. For younger people under the age of 25, binge drinking is the most common type of drinking problem.  In terms of amounts of alcohol, binge drinking normally means more than five drinks for a man and more than four drinks for a woman in one session.

Binge drinking can be very dangerous and every year it leads to many deaths, through both the direct effect of the alcohol but also through the huge rise in accident risk.  Studies have shown that after heavy drinking the risk of injury increases as much as seven times (Gerhard Gmel of the Alcohol Treatment Centre in Switzerland). In fact binge drinkers are at greatest risk of accident than chronic heavy drinkers or those who are alcohol dependent.

The addiction recovery community often uses the term binge drinking to address the harmful consequences associated with this behavior. It is considered a risky and destructive habit that can lead to serious health issues, both in the short and long term. Binge drinking puts you at a higher risk of accidents, injuries, alcohol poisoning, blackouts and even alcohol dependence.

Historically, binge drinking has been prevalent in various cultures and societies. It is not a new phenomenon but awareness around its negative effects has grown significantly over time. People may engage in binge drinking as a way to cope with stress, escape reality momentarily or engage in social activities that encourage excessive alcohol consumption.

Rehabs and addiction treatment programs aim to help individuals who struggle with binge drinking and its consequences. They provide support, education and therapies to help you understand the underlying reasons for your binge drinking behaviour and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Understanding Binge Drinking : WDR - Your Addiction Guide

Binge drinking is drinking an excessive amount of alcohol in one time, usually with the aim of getting drunk. Get help from qualified counsellors.

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    Inpatient Rehab

    Rehab care is a good option if you are at risk of experiencing strong withdrawal symptoms when you try stop a substance. This option would also be recommended if you have experienced recurrent relapses or if you have tried a less-intensive treatment without success.


    If you're committed to your sobriety but cannot take a break from your daily duties for an inpatient program. Outpatient rehab treatment might suit you well if you are looking for a less restricted format for addiction treatment or simply need help with mental health.


    Therapy can be good step towards healing and self-discovery. If you need support without disrupting your routine, therapy offers a flexible solution for anyone wishing to enhance their mental well-being or work through personal issues in a supportive, confidential environment.

    Mental Health

    Are you having persistent feelings of being swamped, sad or have sudden surges of anger or intense emotional outbursts? These are warning signs of unresolved trauma mental health. A simple assesment by a mental health expert could provide valuable insights into your recovery.

    Our network includes only the best rehab centers for personalised high quality addiction and mental health care. We guide you to a center that not only is a right fit for you or your loved one but that offers expert proven care and support. Start your healing today by choosing a rehab that cares about your recovery.

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