Gambling Addiction Treatment Centres
Unlike drug addiction the outward signs of a gambler may not be so obvious, gambling is referred to as one of the 'Hidden Addictions'. Our counsellors are here to help you today.

Engaging in gambling behaviour can sometimes serve as a temporary escape from either positive or negative feelings, depending on the individual. Recognising when gambling becomes problematic can be challenging, especially if there have been no significant consequences yet. It is important to assess the impact of gambling on your life, including the potential long-term costs to yourself and others. Seeking input from friends and family members and taking their concerns seriously is a vital step in acknowledging and addressing the impact of gambling on your well-being.
For individuals struggling with severe gambling addiction, inpatient rehabilitation or specialised counselling services offer a highly structured approach to overcoming gambling issues. These settings provide a supportive environment for individuals to find balance, learn to manage triggers, maintain ongoing recovery and navigate potential setbacks.
How is Gambling Addiction Addiction Treated?
Gambling Addiction treatment begins with helping a loved one accept their addiction and seeking professional help. The next step is finding the best treatment services, which may include therapy, support groups and medication. Admission into a Gambling Addiction therapy program is essential for the individual to receive structured treatment. The treatment plan is then designed specifically for the patient based on their individual circumstances. Aftercare and ongoing therapy are crucial for long-term recovery and preventing relapse. It is important to approach the treatment process with empathy and support to help the individual overcome their addiction.
How is Gambling Addiction Addiction Diagnosed?
In Gambling Addiction treatment, diagnosis involves screening at-risk individuals, detailed assessments, medical and psychiatric evaluations and applying diagnostic criteria from manuals like DSM-5 or ICD-10. The process evaluates functioning, risk factors and readiness for change, leading to a personalised treatment plan. Continuous monitoring and follow-up support are essential components in addressing Gambling Addiction within the context of mental health.
Does My Partner/Loved One Have an Gambling Addiction Problem?
Identifying a gambling addiction problem in a loved one can be challenging but there are signs to look out for. Pay attention if your family member shows an increased preoccupation with gambling, such as constantly discussing or planning their next gambling session. They may also exhibit irritability or restlessness when unable to gamble, experiencing withdrawal-like symptoms. Look for signs of financial strain like borrowing money or selling possessions, as this suggests they may be resorting to gambling to cover their monetary losses. Additionally, a loved one with a gambling addiction may become secretive about their gambling activities and exhibit changes in behaviour, such as mood swings or depression. Being observant and supportive can help you identify a gambling addiction problem and encourage your loved one to seek professional help. Remember, early intervention is crucial to addressing the issue effectively.
What To Do Next?
Dealing with a loved one’s Gambling Addiction can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. It often leads to strain within relationships, as the addiction takes priority over family and personal responsibilities. This can result in a breakdown of trust and communication. Codependency may also arise, where family members enable the addict by covering up their actions or providing financial support. These behaviors, although done out of love, only serve to perpetuate the addiction. Consequently, toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment and frustration, become prevalent within the family dynamic. Seeking help from a professional Gambling Addiction counsellor is crucial in navigating this difficult situation and finding effective strategies to support both the addict and the family.
Regular sessions with a counsellor play a crucial role in ongoing communication and guidance throughout the recovery process. Gambling therapy encourages open dialogue for discussing challenges and seeking solutions. Therapists work with individuals to address underlying factors contributing to their gambling behaviour, such as social, familial or professional stressors, promoting a deeper understanding and providing strategies for maintaining overall well-being in recovery.
Treatment For Gambling Addiction
Our gambling addiction treatment focuses on behavioural modification and financial counselling. We provide effective strategies to help individuals overcome the compulsive behaviour of gambling, addressing the psychological triggers and promoting healthier financial habits.
Are you concerned that you or someone close to you has a gambling problem? There is professional treatment available, please do not suffer in silence – call us today for immediate help.
Rehabs in other cities of South Africa.
What is Gambling Addiction?
The compulsive need to gamble is an impulse-control disorder. In the society we live in today gambling is a very accepted and social activity , adverts bombard us on the TV and on the internet and at our local shops as we are offered the opportunity to beat the odds as we do our weekly grocery shop with scratch cards.
Most of us can buy the odd card, win or lose we don’t really think much more about it. There are those of us though who aren’t content with once in a blue moon opportunities to win big , those of us who become compulsive gamblers are convinced we will win its only a matter of time.
No matter what odds are stacked against us or how much it is affecting our existence financially we will continue to have ‘just one more try’.
If you are aware that this is you or know someone it sounds like then getting professional help is easier than you might imagine.
Signs, Symptoms and Risks of Gambling Addiction
Unlike drug addiction the outward signs of a gambler may not be so obvious , gambling is referred to as one of the ‘Hidden Illnesses’.
Gamblers are notoriously secretive much like other addicts about their problem, this is both through shame and through the delusional thought that they are keeping their habit from you so they can one day surprise you with a ‘big win’.
One of the things you may notice if you live with a gambler however is the amount of money coming in and out of bank accounts will be very sporadic, sometimes they may appear to have a lot of money and be splashing it around and other times with will be asking to borrow money as they have ‘a cash flow’ problem.
Depression is a common co-existing disorder for gamblers and this depression is known in certain circumstances to lead to suicide when gambler feels helpless and hopeless about the debts they have ran up.
Lack of sleep through playing online casino games all night is another common symptom and something to be concerned about. Items going missing from the house or the selling of possessions without explanation is also a red flag.
Gambling Addiction Treatment
It’s often assumed that the gambling addict must be vitally aware of their problem and willing to enter treatment for rehabilitation to work – this is NOT TRUE.
Gambling treatment and recovery programmes are plentiful but it’s worth remembering as with any addiction stopping isn’t the hard part, staying away in the long term is what counts therefore out-patient group therapy or individual counselling on a long term basis is critical.
Contact one of our gambling addiction counsellors who will be able to guide you through the process of treatment and recovery and help you along the path that would suit your individual needs best.
Gambling Resources
Gambling can be just as addictive as a drug. Because the person becomes addicted to a behaviour gambling is known as a process addiction rather than a substance addiction. The consequences of this addiction can be very severe. If you believe that a loved one is developing a gambling problem then please consider staging an intervention to place him/her into an appropriate gambling addiction treatment program.
Many gambling addicts will make failed attempts to stop before they finally seek help from a rehabilitation (rehab) clinic. This addiction is just as tricky to overcome as a substance addiction but attendance in an addiction treatment program will improve the chances of attaining long term recovery.
Action gamblers seek the excitement involved in risk-taking and get a rush from competing with other gamblers. They are more likely to abuse games of skill that offer them a sense of victory over somebody else and nourish the idea that it is their skill that helps them to win.
The other sort of gambler, the escape gambler, uses gambling as a way to tune out the problems of life. These gamblers prefer to play games that are repetitive, require little skill and don’t require other people to be involved (e.g.: slot machines).
Being addicted to gambling may create physical and psychological problems. Maintaining the addiction and finding money to gamble is a very stressful endeavour that may cause hypertension. Seek a medical opinion if you have a gambling problem.
Gambling addiction can be treated in an addictions treatment center. The program will usually employ some form of cognitive-behavioural therapy along with a medical component to rule out complicating health concerns. The rehab will usually encourage the addict to start attending 12 step fellowship meetings such as Gamblers Anonymous.
Additional Resources
- National Responsible Gambling Hotline is a South African resource dedicated to helping gamblers by providing counselling and support.
- DSM-IV to DSM-5 Gambling Disorder Comparison Gambling now a recognised disorder in new DSM-5
- National Council on Problem Gambling is an American non-profit agency that helps gamblers find treatment resources.
- National Academy Press: Pathological Gambling is an American study of pathological gambling.
- National Center for Responsible Gaming is an American national organization exclusively devoted to funding research that helps increase understanding of gambling disorder and youth gambling and find effective methods of treatment for the disorder.
- Gamblers Anonymous South Africa is a fellowship group based on the 12-step model for people with a gambling addiction.
- Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review (2003) is a comprehensive study of the effects and treatment of pathological gambling.
- National Gambling Impact Study Commission (1999) is an investigation into the social effects of the gambling industry.
- Recovery Direct Gambling Rehab Johannesburg:
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gamblingis a non-profit health agency dedicated to reducing social, financial & emotional costs of a gambling disorder.
- National Opinion Research Center: Gambling Impact and Behaviour Study (April 1999) is a study of how the gambling industry affects American society.
- Institute for the Study of Gamblingand Commercial Gaming Established in 1989 as the first academically oriented program of its kind, the Institute has increased awareness about gambling and gaming issues.