Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is more correctly referred to by the medical profession as substance abuse but for the ordinary person drug abuse gives a clearer picture for many of the common drugs. Drug abuse occurs when drugs are used for pleasure in an addictive way. What starts off as an experiment soon becomes and addiction and […]

Drug Rehab Centres

Drug Rehab centres are places which provide drug addiction treatment. Drug Rehab centres provide care and support to enable a former drug addict to return to a healthy life after a period of illness. Drug rehab centres will usually provide both the medical and psychological care needed to treat drug addiction. Residents must be drug and […]


Benzodiazepines are a type of medication often prescribed as part of medically supervised drug withdrawal and treatment. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers. Benzodiazepines work by affecting the way certain brain chemicals transmit messages to some brain cells. In effect, they reduce the excitability of many brain cells. This has a calming effect on various functions of […]

Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking: a term used to describe excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, either within a short time frame with the express purpose of getting drunk; or a steady amount of alcohol over a long period of time. Five or more drinks for a male and four or more drinks for a female constitute binge drinking. For younger people […]

Relapse Prevention

The concept of Relapse Prevention was developed by Dr. G. Alan Marlatt in the 1980s. He recognised that relapse is often seen as a normal part of the recovery process rather than a failure. This perspective enabled him to create effective strategies to prevent relapse and help individuals maintain long-term sobriety. Relapse prevention in addiction […]

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