Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction is a condition which is still widely stigmatised and misunderstood in society today. The effects of substance abuse and addiction are far reaching, impacting negatively on not only the addict and all those close to them too. Because drug addiction begins with a choice to pick up the substance, most people blame drug […]

Help For Beating Medication Dependency

Doctors and healthcare providers play a important role in preventing medication addiction. Through responsible prescribing, patient education and early intervention, they can significantly reduce the risk of dependency. This proactive approach is essential in ensuring that medications are used safely and effectively, especially in regions like the UK and South Africa, where medication addiction poses […]

Getting Help With Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is the term used to describe the unhealthy use of mind and mood altering chemicals. This can involve the use of illegal (street) drugs or over the counter medications and even prescription drugs from a doctor for a purpose other than what they were medically intended. Inhalants and solvents such as aerosols, glue […]

Prescription Drug Addiction

Most people will at some stage take a pain killing prescription drug and addiction affects all subcultures and age groups. The warning signs of addiction to prescription drugs may include the following: Complaints of vague symptoms to get more medicine, Lack of interest in any other treatment options, Mood swings, Seeing a number of doctors […]

Evidence – Based Approaches to Addiction Treatment

With the world wide escalation of substance abuse, governments as well as the medical and psychiatric profession have taken a serious look at addiction treatment. Addiction treatment has many different approaches and each approach is designed to address certain aspects of drug addiction and its consequences for the individual, the family and for society. Some […]

Addiction Information

If you’ve been sifting through pages of addiction information and are still left puzzled, you’re not alone. There is an overwhelming amount of addiction information available and it can be difficult to understand because addiction differs so much from person to person. If you or a loved one has an addiction problem, it is key […]

Drug Addiction Information

If you’ve been sifting through pages of addiction information and are still left puzzled, you’re not alone. There is an overwhelming amount of addiction information available and it can be difficult to understand because addiction differs so much from person to person. If you or a loved one has an addiction problem, it is key to […]

Relapse Prevention Treatment Programmes

Giving up drugs and striving towards an addiction free life is not something that is easily done. Nor is it a one-time experience. It requires a lifetime of vigilance and work to ensure the prevention of a relapse. While one rehab stay may be enough to help certain individuals, it really does vary from person […]

What Happens In Rehab

A sense of safety for patients and good rapport with addictions counselling team are the paramount goals of a rehabilitation centre treating addicted or alcoholic patients. Addiction rehabs create safety by ensuring that the clinics atmosphere is a long distance away from the familiar culture of Addiction that all patients were once immersed in. This […]

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