Drug Addiction Rehabilitation

Stigma and myths around drug abuse and alcoholism are common. Despite this drug addiction rehabilitation has proven to be as effective as treatment for other chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes. REHAB WORKS!

There is no shame in admitting you have a drug abuse problem and are taking responsibility for it’s treatment and your recovery. Drug addiction treatment is a life changing process that restores people, allowing them to regain the ability to lead a healthy and productive life. Nobody chooses to become a drug addict but the decision to do something positive and recover from this disease is praiseworthy. And this is exactly what is accomplished in an addiction rehab clinic. The very words drug addiction rehabilitation imply that there is some form of restoration occurring; that the addict is being restored to health, dignity and health.  It’s a very positive term and a life-altering experience to undertake.

Horror stories of drug addiction rehabilitation

The media loves to pounce on horror stories involving drug addiction rehabilitation. Every gruesome detail of some unfortunate person’s story is mercilessly dragged through the press. Although there may be some addiction treatment centres that are unethical (or even abusive in some cases) the majority of clinics are properly managed according to strict guidelines formed through academic research. If you do your homework before choosing to be admitted you can be sure that you will enjoy a comfortable and productive time in your chosen addiction treatment clinic.  Many clinics look more like hotels and make the family of the patient jealous!

Do I need drug addiction rehabilitation?

It often comes down to our families and friends that decide now’s the time for us to enter a drug addiction rehabilitation program.  However trying to keep involved in the decision making through informed choice and keeping an open mind will help.  Sometimes the denial that surrounds addiction is so strong that we are not aware that we are being irrational and our families are forced to hold an intervention. If people close to you are suggesting that you need help with your drug habit then the chances are that they are seeing something you don’t.

If you’re finding that you need drugs just to feel normal then you might need drug addiction rehabilitation.  In other words if the drugs are no longer fun but if you stop using them you suffer from withdrawal then this is a sign of “dependence”.  You should consult with an addictions specialist about how best to detoxify and join a recovery program. Our treatment coordinators are available to provide expert and independent advice on the best private addiction treatment centres throughout South Africa, the UK and Thailand. Please call one of our counsellors for a confidential chat today.
If you’re using ever increasing amounts of drugs but finding that you’re not getting the high anymore then this could be a sign of “tolerance” and another reason to consider drug addiction rehabilitation. Tolerance occurs because your body learns how to cope with the presence of the toxins you are introducing to it.

Some people steal and lie to support their habit.  This is very hurtful to the people around them.  If you’re in trouble with the law, your work or your family then this could be a sign that your behaviour is changing because of your chemical dependency.  If they are suggesting that you consider drug addiction rehabilitation please contact an addictions specialist to discuss whether you have a problem.

How much does drug addiction rehabilitation cost?

There are many different drug addiction rehabilitation clinics to choose from.  There are centres that offer a high degree of luxury which will obviously cost more than centres without such amenities.  Ultimately there is an option to suit just about every budget. If you’re struggling to find a centre then it is a good idea to contact us for assistance. We are knowledgeable about the various options that are available and be able to direct you to a centre that matches your budget and personal needs.

Drug addiction rehabilitation can save your life and bring back joy and serenity.  It is very difficult to stop substance abuse by yourself, if you’re wanting help please contact one of our addiction counsellors for advice.

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