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Drug Rehab Counsellor

Drug rehab centers in South Africa generally employ a multi-disciplinary team. The combined skill and training of many professionals working together allows the patient to be viewed from many angles and each facet treated carefully. Your drug rehab counsellor may be a member of one of these professions who has specialised in addictions treatment. Your […]

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Drug Rehab Centers – Subconscious Cravings?

The American National Institute on Drug Abuse has published a report that finds that cravings can be induced in addicts by exposing them to pictures of drugs. What is remarkable is that the length of exposure can be so short that the addict isn’t even aware that he/she has seen the image. Using functional MRI […]

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Types of Alcohol Rehab

Estimates suggest that nearly three quarters of a million Americans are receiving alcohol treatment of some kind on any given day. Alcohol rehab is clearly an important issue in modern society. Alcohol treatment has been greatly improved in the last 50 years. Specialised alcohol rehabs are relatively new developments and alcoholics were relegated to the […]

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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol is commonly used in Western societies and is associated with fine dining, sports events, relaxation and social activities. For the vast majority of people who consume alcohol it has no adverse consequences and creates no problems. Unfortunately some people develop dependence and alcoholism. Such people experience serious consequences as a result of their drinking. […]

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Alcohol Rehab: Group Support & Treatment Options

Alcoholism is a devastating illness that cripples your ability to live happily. Finding your way to recovery can begin at any time but most people need a jolt of some sort to realise just how unmanageable life has become. This realisation might place things into perspective and prompt the alcoholic into looking for help in […]

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Alcohol Rehab South Africa

If you find that you cannot control your drinking and need help then We Do Recover is able to help you find an alcohol rehab in South Africa that offers high quality care at very affordable rates. You will find that the favourable exchange rate brings luxury alcohol treatment within your reach.  Enjoy the beauty […]

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Drug Rehab: Prescription Pill Abuse

When the word ‘addict’ is mentioned people often revert to a stereotypical picture of a dishevelled heroin addict sleeping on a park bench. Nothing could be futher from the truth – people from all walks of life get addicted to chemicals. A great many people are addicted to pills that they obtain on prescription. Many […]

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Effective Drug Rehab

There are many drug rehab programs on offer around the world. It seems however that there are very few effective drug rehab programs that stand out as wheat from the chaff. Finding one that suits your individual needs can be difficult. Many people are flying considerable distances to be admitted to an effective drug rehab […]

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