The Benefits Of Private Addiction Treatment

People often compare the prices of private addiction treatment to public drug or alcohol rehabilitation centres and wonder why it’s more expensive if it’s more or less the same thing.

However, there is a difference. While they might work towards the same objective, the treatment methods being used in private addiction clinics are far better than the ones being used in a public drug or alcohol rehabilitation clinics.

If you or a loved one is addicted to a narcotic substance, we provide access to the best private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres all over South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand. Call us now and let one of our qualified addiction counsellors find the best treatment for you.

If you more need convincing on why it’s better, continue reading below as we’ll provide you with some of the benefits of private addiction treatment.

Recovery is More Than Just Staying Away From Drugs or Alcohol

In private addiction treatment, abstaining from drugs and alcohol is only one of many important things that will be addressed.

While achieving long-term sobriety is important, it’s vital that recovering addicts are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve this. Private addiction treatment helps patients reach this goal by offering various counselling and therapy methods, quality treatment programs and highly qualified staff who are experienced in this field.

The staff at the rehab centre will also ensure that each patient’s treatment program is customised to their own specific requirements, as no addicts addiction will be the same.

This helps addicts achieve their recovery goals at their own time, as they slowly begin to live life without drugs or alcohol again.

Better Guidance and Help

While the medical side of an addiction treatment program is important, so is the support of family, friends and all of the staff at the rehab centre.

In private addiction treatment, there will be more medical professionals and fewer patients, meaning there is more time for recovering addicts to spend with the counsellors and doctors in the rehab clinic making the time spent in centre extremely valuable.

Another benefit of private addiction treatment is the fact that it offers secondary care such as outpatient programs and halfway houses once the rehabilitation program has been completed.

Outpatient treatment allows patients to stay at home and attend regular counselling and therapy sessions at the rehab centre while residing at home. Halfway houses give recovering addicts the opportunity to stay in a sober living environment as they begin to integrate back into society.

Both forms of secondary care play an important role in helping addicts achieve long term sobriety.

Stay Localised

People often think that because they or their loved uses drugs or alcohol at home, it’s best to send them far away to receive addiction treatment. This may be good in the early stages but once the recovering addict returns home, they may feel alone and detached, which could lead to a relapse. It’s important that the area in which an addict stays is taken into consideration in any form of addiction treatment.

Private addiction treatment centres refer their patients to continued treatment in their area, which helps addicts safely return into their communities. Addiction is a disease that will only get worse and worse over time if left untreated. We all want the best for ourselves and for our loved ones and when it comes to getting addiction treatment, nothing less than best should be received.

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Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.

Our network includes only the best rehab centers for personalised high quality addiction and mental health care. We guide you to a center that not only is a right fit for you or your loved one but that offers expert proven care and support. Start your healing today by choosing a rehab that cares about your recovery.

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