How to Ensure That Your Depression Doesnt Return

Did you know that even if you completed a stint in depression treatment, you are still at risk of suffer a relapse? Unfortunately, no depression clinic can guarantee that you will recover from this mental illness as there is no cure for it. Recovery requires lots of hard work, dedication and commitment. So why does depression still make a comeback even after treatment? Some of the main causes of this are a change in our social routine, illness or changes in the support structures we have. For example, life changing events such as the loss of a job or even the breakdown in a relationship with a spouse or friend can trigger a relapse back into depression. The death of a loved one can also have a severe effect on an individual’s recovery efforts. Losing someone closest to us is never an easy thing and if this person was the sole breadwinner in a household it makes things even worse.

Medically, finding out that you have developed a serious illness can also cause the return of depression. It’s always a shock and very saddening to hear that someone has been diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer or HIV/AIDS but what if it happened to you? These are just some factors that can cause a relapse, however the good news is that it can be avoided, that’s why we are going to tell you how to ensure that your depression doesn’t return.

Know the Warning Signs

One of the best ways to prevent a relapse back into depression is to know what the warning signs are. Here are some of them:

  • Halting the use of medication: When an individual stops taking their anti-depressant medication or any other medicines that were prescribed to them by their mental health specialist or medical practitioner, it could be a clear sign that a relapse is on its way.
  • Isolation: When someone withdraws from spending time with family and friends in order to be alone, they might be well on their way to suffering a relapse. Loneliness is one of the main causal factors of relapse in depression.
  • Sleep and Eating Problems: Eating and sleeping too much or too little is a common sign of depression. If you have noticed this in your loved one, a relapse may be imminent.

Other symptoms include constantly feeling agitated or irritable and starting to think negatively about everything. Avoiding these effects can play a key role in helping you achieve long term recovery away from depression.

Do What Your Treatment Plan Tell You to Do!

In a depression clinic, your mental health specialist will have devised a treatment plan for you, which will include what medication you must take and also appointments on when you need come for checkups. This plan wasn’t done just to keep you busy; it was done according to the nature and severity of your depression so it’s important that you stick to it religiously!

Live Healthily

A healthy lifestyle will usually lead to a happier lifestyle, which is very important in depression recovery. This includes learning how to effectively deal with stressful situations or any pressure you might experience, getting enough sleep and exercising on a regular basis. The support structures from family and friends are also important in living healthily as these are the people that you will spend most of your time with and essentially make you happy! Work towards making the relationships you have with these people stronger and you won’t go wrong. If you are suffering from depression or you know of someone who is then it’s important that they get professional mental help as soon as possible. We can provide you with access to the best private depression clinics in South Africa.

Call us now and let one of our qualified counsellors provide you free confidential and expert advice.

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