What Are The Best Drug Addiction Treatment Options in South Africa

Each rehab centre seems to make similar claims about having the most effective treatment or highest success rate, but what are the best options for actually treating a drug addiction. Get help from qualified counsellors.

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  • We'll help you pick the best addiction treatment program for you


    Given the large number of rehabilitation clinics, retreats and centres you might find yourself wondering what the most appropriate drug addiction treatment options are? Each rehab centre seems to make similar claims about having the most effective treatment or highest success rate and because drug addiction is a progressive illness (it gets worse over time) and leads ultimately to serious consequences you cannot afford to be taken in by spurious claims.

    There is no single drug addiction treatment that is going to be best for everybody. There are specialist programs that focus on specific areas of addiction and related psychological problems.  Maybe one of these specialist programs is better suited to you?  No two people are identical and so there are various options to consider.

    If you’re confused about this then please contact one of our intake coordinators today – we’re waiting for your call and are ready to help with very real and practical solutions.  We can guide you through the difficult decision of choosing between the best drug addiction treatment options.


    Step 1.

    Make The Call

    Whether you are ready for treatment or not. Our helpline is 100% confidential and we are here to chat.

    Step 2.

    Medical Detox

    Step 2 consists of the detoxification process. All you need to do is show up and we will help with the rest.

    Step 3.

    Residential Treatment

    Step 3 begins when detox is completed. During this phase, you can expect intensive residential treatment.

    Step 4.

    Outpatient & Aftercare

    Step 4 is when you begin to re-enter society, armed with the tools needed for lifelong recovery from addiction.

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    If you want to cut through the marketing speak from rehabs that claim to offer the best drug addiction treatment here are some ways to actually measure up the various center’s.  You should make sure that your rehabilitation clinic offers:

    • 24/7 nursing care.
    • An intake process that diagnoses any secondary problems that are commonly associated with addiction (e.g.: eating disorders, gambling disorders, depression, anxiety).
    • Properly qualified staff who are experienced in providing treatment for addiction.  They should be registered with the appropriate professional bodies.
    • The actual drug addiction treatment clinic needs to be registered with the appropriate Health authorities.
    • An alcohol or drug detox that is supervised by medical doctors.
    • A support program that covers you when you leave treatment (aftercare).

    Once you’ve established a shortlist of the best drug addiction treatment options you should then look through some more factors to narrow it down:

    • Compare the cost of the different drug addiction treatment facilities.  Is one much more expensive than others?  Why?
    • Is the facility able to accept Medical Aid (health insurance)?
    • Does the philosophy of the treatment centre regarding the nature of addiction match your own and that of modern science?
    • What facilities and amenities are available?  Swimming pool, gym, Jacuzzi, etc?
    • Does the facility offer the opportunity to explore my spiritual life?
    • How long is the treatment program?
    • Is the detox process medically supervised so that it is safe and comfortable?

    The very best drug addiction treatment options will offer programs that include a variety of diverse therapies.  This is required in order to address the different facets of your addiction.  Be sure that you look out to see that the program involves a healthy mixture of these sort of therapies:

    • Group therapy – where the community sits in a group facilitated by a counsellor.  These groups provide social support, new skills and hope.
    • Individual counselling – where you will sit with your counsellor and receive focused individual care.
    • Art therapy or music therapy – a way of expressing yourself creatively.
    • Psychodrama – an exciting way of exploring inner secrets.
    • Spiritual time – not necessarily religious but a chance to come to terms with your own spirit.

    By combining these therapies the best drug addiction treatment options will enjoy outstanding success rates.

    If you need help in choosing between the confusing range of drug addiction treatment centres then please take advantage of our intake coordinators professional knowledge of the various drug addiction treatment options throughout South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand.

    Call us today for prompt and expert advice on the various options open to you.

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