The Progressive Disease of Alcoholism
This disease is characterized by cravings and a loss of control, and an increased alcohol intake to produce the same desired effects. Our counsellors are here to help you today.
FREE ASSESSMENT081 444 7000Alcoholism is recognised by most people today as a disease, however not as many people recognise it as a progressive disease. This simply means that slowly over time, alcohol gradually gains control of the drinker’s life. It may have started in a subtle way but it eventually takes over every part of the alcoholic’s life. Although the alcoholic does not always recognise the decline, it is obvious to others that his drinking has progressed and now negatively affects his work, his relationships, his decision-making and his general quality of life. He does not notice the gradual change from the occasional drinking binge to regular abuse and now full blown dependence on alcohol.
A classic example of the progression of the disease is the story of James, who worked for his father. Apart from his great salary, James got away with unprofessional behaviour on the job due to being the boss’ son. He would sneak off early to the bar in the afternoons, arrive late for work due to being hung-over and sometimes smoked marijuana during working hours.
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James did not enjoy the work. He studied and got a degree in order to work in an environment that he would enjoy. However, after working in his preferred field, he soon discovered that he could no longer have the freedom to drink when he wanted to. He had to be far more accountable and could not pursue his substance abuse. He had to choose between doing what he enjoyed without the drinking lifestyle or doing what he hated with the freedom to drink at will. He chose to go back into the family business.
When his father passed away, James sold the family business and bought a bar, where he could drink to his heart’s content, however the bar soon went under. It was time to go back to serious work; however he refused to look for a job. Eventually, in despair his wife gave up and left him.
Impossible Decision
His wife did not realise that James could not change at this stage without help. His dependence on alcohol had progressed to such a strong level that he could not survive without drinking heavily and regularly. She didn’t know that each day he was drinking most of the day. She also had to try and cope with James’ denial of his problem as he hid the severity of his drinking from her.
After she gave up and ended the marriage James moved in with another woman, who is financially independent. Sadly, he is hiding his problem from her too and she does not realise how much he is drinking during the day.
Looming Disaster
James and his partner are still in the early “honeymoon” phase of their relationship so she does not recognise the dangers of his drinking. She assumes that he likes a few drinks at night to unwind but does not see all that he is hiding from her. He also doesn’t realise how much of his life has been taken over by alcoholism. He manages to find an excuse for everything that has gone wrong but never blames his drinking. He will not recognise the patterns in his life. He won’t see that he is using the women in his life to enable him. As his new relationship moves out of the honeymoon phase and reality kicks in, disaster is waiting in the wings.
Unfortunately the progressive disease of alcoholism often makes it difficult for the alcoholic to make the choice to seek help. The gradual decline creeps up on the alcoholic before he or many others realise it. Fortunately, it is never to late to obtain help.
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Alcoholism often sneaks up on people in a way that makes it hard to spot at first, both for the drinker and those around them. It might start with a few too many drinks after work or turning to alcohol for stress relief, but slowly it begins to take over affecting relationships, careers, and mental health. Partners may start to feel neglected, trust breaks down and friends or family might distance themselves. Work performance slips and bad decisions start piling up. The scary part? Alcoholism is progressive, meaning it doesn’t stay the same, it gets worse over time. That’s why it’s so crucial to seek professional help before things spiral out of control. The sooner someone reaches out, the better the chances are of turning things around. Alcohol won’t just go away on its own, and leaving it unchecked only lets the damage grow. Professional support, like what We Do Recover offers, helps stop the progression and rebuilds the parts of life that alcohol has quietly dismantled. Don’t wait until disaster strikes get help now.