Drug Addiction Treatment in South Africa

Many people from around the world are discovering that drug addiction treatment in South Africa is an affordable and highly effective alternative to being treated in their home country. For decades tourist have been flocking to South Africa for other forms of medical care and elective surgery. Patients needing hip-replacements, heart surgery, face-lifts and other plastic surgery have enjoyed a ‘surgery and safari’ trip to South Africa.
The favorable exchange rate means that people addicted to alcohol or other drugs can afford a more luxurious and higher quality of care.  The fact that you’re in a foreign country is also attractive since it not only adds a new dimension to the patient’s privacy, you also get to explore some of the local South African culture and warm climate.
There are many choices for world class drug addiction treatment in South Africa.  This article aims to help you to examine the options and discern which of them will be best for you. If you want expert, independent addictions counselling advice on all the private drug addiction treatment centres in South Africa to help you in this decision then contact us at WeDoRecover and on of our addictions treatment consultants will put you in touch with various clinics in your price range.
Even though individual clinics may differ greatly, drug addiction treatment in South Africa follows a very general pattern of phases:

  • Assessment and Detox
  • Drug addiction treatment
  • Step down / reintegration
  • Maintenance


Drug Detox in South African addiction treatment

When the patient arrives at a rehab for drug addiction treatment in South Africa they will be assessed by the intake officer of the clinic.  This initial assessment will take baseline physical observations (heart rate, weight and other similar information).  It will also make a start towards identifying any issues that could interfere with treatment or need to be addressed concurrently.  This could include secondary addictions, eating disorders and other psychological diagnoses such as depression or anxiety.

Drug Addiction Treatment

After detoxification the next step the patient takes is to join the program of drug addiction treatment in South Africa.  Where Detox clears the body and mind of drugs, the recovery program helps to unravel the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with active addiction.  One could think of addiction recovery as being abstinence coupled with an active program of personal change and growth. Achieving and maintaining the mental, emotional and behavioural changes that are associated with drug addiction recovery is not an easy or simple process.  People addicted to alcohol or other drugs receive support from the group (their peers also in therapy) in the rehab, which will go some way in helping them through this difficult time.  Drug addiction treatment in South Africa will employ a multi-faceted approach to recovery in order to comprehensively address the complex issues involved. Some of the elements that are commonly included in drug addiction treatment in South Africa are:

  • Attendance at 12 step support groups like Narcotics Anonymous, as well as written work pertaining to the 12 steps.
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Individual addictions counselling
  • Art therapy
  • Psychodrama
  • Low grade physical exercise (e.g.: walking, yoga, pilates and short outings to the beach or forest)


By combining different approaches to drug addiction treatment in South Africa the staff are able to cater to patients of different ages, races, sex, religions and cultures.  The staff complement itself will include members of various professions that make up the team of addiction treatment consultants. By working as a team the various areas of specialist knowledge are pooled to create a holistic understanding of the patient.  In other words where a doctor might fully understand the physical elements of addiction a psychologist would focus more on the behavioural concerns.  By working together the two professionals can draw on the knowledge of the other and provide better treatment.

Step down and maintenance after drug addiction treatment in South Africa

It’s important to help the patient reintegrate into society after they complete drug addiction treatment in South Africa.  This phase of rehab assists them to create routines and find support structures to ensure lasting recovery. If you need help in choosing the best addiction treatment centre or alcohol rehabilitation centre that will help you turn your life around please contact the professional intake coordinators at WeDoRecover.
They will take a confidential assessment and provide you with independent advice based  researched treatment centres.

Please call us to discuss on:
South Africa: 082-74-REHAB (73422)
UK: 0808 26 REHAB (73422)

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