Are you or someone you know addicted to xanax? If so, then treatment needs to be sought after immediately.
If you’re wondering what xanax is and how someone can get addicted to it, continue reading below as we will discuss this, as well as the signs and symptoms and treatment options available.
What is Xanax?
Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a drug of the benzodiazepine class, commonly used in the treatment of panic and anxiety.
The drug works by slowing down the body’s central nervous system and relieves any form of stress or tension.
A prescription drug, xanax is usually only given to those suffering with severe stress or nervous system type illnesses.
When taken incorrectly, for instance with alcohol or without a prescription, the drug can be very dangerous and in some cases, fatal.
When an individual becomes addicted to xanax, medical help needs to be administered as soon as possible as it affects not only the addict but the people around them, their careers and quite frankly, their entire life.
Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction
There are many signs and symptoms to look out for in someone addicted to xanax as it is such a powerful drug.
These usually range from wanting to sleep excessively and all the time, unbalanced heart rates and having a strong desire to use the drug.
When the drug is not available, addicts will suffer a series of withdrawal symptoms.
These withdrawal symptoms vary from being unable to sleep to being agitated, depressed, moody and irritable.
Excessive use of the xanax also makes the individual more tolerant to the drug, meaning the addict will need to take more of the drug to achieve a desired effect that was once felt through small dosages.
Higher tolerance may also lead to an overdose, as while the cravings may want excessive amounts of xanax but the body cannot handle it.
Addicted individuals finances may also suffer as the person will purchase the drug excessively in order to get their “fix”.
Xanax Addiction Treatment
The best way to treat an individual suffering from an addiction to xanax is to put them into a rehabilitation center.
In rehab, the individual will have to reside there for a period determined by the severity of their addiction and will receive treatment such a medical detoxification, which helps in minimising or removing any withdrawal symptoms that may be experienced.
Counselling and therapy will also be done in rehab, which will help teach the addict on what xanax addiction is and how to prevent further use of the drug.
Once this has been completed, outpatient treatment is available and is highly recommended to be attended as the threat of a relapse is most prevalent once discharged from rehab.
This will serve as a continuation on what was taught during your stay at the clinic.
Tertiary care is also available to those looking to continue their counselling and therapy and is highly effective in ensuring that recovering addicts remain sober.
For more information regarding xanax addiction treatment or how to get yourself or a loved one into treatment, please call us now and our qualified addiction counsellors will gladly assist you.