Alcohol Abuse & Addiction Treatment

We Do Recover is connected to a large base of the best alcohol rehab facilities ready to help you or a loved one with alcohol addiction. Our counsellors are here to help you today.



    Alcohol Rehab & Addiction Treatment

    The impact of a loved one’s alcohol addiction can be devastating for the entire family. Seeking professional help is crucial for both the addict and their loved ones to begin healing and recovery. Professional alcohol counselling offers guidance, support, and strategies to manage the challenges that arise, providing a safe and supportive space for open dialogue.
    Inpatient rehabilitation and regular counselling sessions are essential steps in the recovery process. Inpatient rehab provides a structured environment for individuals struggling with severe addiction, while counselling helps address underlying factors contributing to addiction and develops effective strategies for maintaining sobriety. With professional help, individuals can overcome their addiction, prepare for post-rehab life, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves to maintain overall health and wellbeing.

    FAQ About Alcohol Addiction Treatment

    How is Alcohol Addiction Treated?

    Alcohol addiction can be effectively treated through a comprehensive intervention process that involves dealing with denial and finding the best rehab facility for the patient. The process begins with a screening and admission into the Alcohol rehab center, where a personalised treatment program is designed. This program consists of various therapies and interventions aimed at addressing the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of alcohol addiction. After completion of the initial treatment, aftercare and therapy play a important role in maintaining long-term sobriety.

    How is Alcohol Addiction Diagnosed?

    Alcohol addiction or destructive behaviour can be diagnosed through various methods in alcohol rehab. This includes screening to identify individuals at risk, conducting detailed assessments of alcohol use and carrying out medical and psychiatric evaluations to detect any health impacts or mental disorders. Diagnosing addiction often involves applying diagnostic criteria from manuals such as DSM-5 or ICD-10. This comprehensive process assesses the individual’s functioning, identifies risk factors and determines their readiness for change. Based on these assessments, a personalised alcohol treatment plan is developed. Continuous monitoring and follow-up support are also provided to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

    Does My Partner/Loved One Have an Alcohol Problem?

    To identify alcohol addiction in a loved one or family member, it is key to be observant of certain signs and behaviors. Look for increased tolerance, as they may need to drink more to achieve the same effect. Frequent cravings and cravings at specific times of the day could also indicate an alcohol problem. Physical symptoms like tremors, sweating and nausea when they haven’t been drinking are signs of withdrawal. Another telltale sign is neglecting responsibilities and hobbies or abandoning once-enjoyed activities for alcohol. Behavioural changes such as mood swings, irritability and secrecy might also suggest alcohol addiction. Problems in personal relationships, work or school issues and financial troubles can all be linked to alcohol abuse. If these signs are evident in your loved one or family member, it may be time to seek professional help to address their alcohol problem.

    What To Do Next?

    A professional alcohol counsellor can help family members understand the nature of addiction and how it affects both the addict and the family as a whole. They can help identify enabling behaviors and codependency patterns, providing strategies to change these patterns and encourage healthier ways of relating to the addicted loved one. The counsellor can also help family members set boundaries and realistic expectations, which can be difficult to navigate on their own.

    An alcohol counsellor can help the family develop a comprehensive plan for supporting their loved one’s recovery. This may involve interventions, individual therapy for both the addict and family members, support group recommendations and guidance on accessing appropriate treatment options. It’s important to remember that dealing with a loved one’s alcohol addiction is not solely the responsibility of family members. Seeking professional help is a way to share the burden and ensure that everyone’s needs and well-being are addressed. Counselling can provide a safe space for family members to express their feelings, receive support and gain tools to cope with the challenges they are facing.

    The CAGE Test

    The anonymous CAGE test below is not designed to be a full diagnostic test, it is simply a quick indicator that takes less than a minute to fill in.

    Answer the following four questions:

    If you scored over 2 in the above test we would highly recommend completing the more indepth Do I have A Drinking Problem? Screening test provided by Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. (Bear in mind that these are anonymous, initial screening tests an NOT diagnostic tests performed by qualified counsellors.)


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    Addiction Treatment For Alcohol

    Our approach to alcohol addiction treatment is centered around personalised programs, tailored to the individual’s needs. This comprehensive treatment includes both detoxification to manage physical dependence and therapy to address the underlying psychological aspects of addiction. We focus on holistic recovery, ensuring each client receives the support needed for a lasting change.

    Rehabs in other cities of South Africa.

    So what’s the difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction?

    Essentially alcohol abuse is too much, too often and alcohol dependence is the inability to quit drinking despite the negative consequences.
    Alcohol abuse leads to unfulfilled responsibilities at home, work or school and/or repeated dangerous situations as a result of drinking. Alcohol dependence has similar criteria to abuse but is more severe. These symptoms include; increased tolerance, drinking larger amounts or for longer periods than intended, an inability to reduce or stop drinking despite negative consequences and withdrawal symptoms.

    Three key features of all addictions are compulsion (powerlessness over taking the first drink), obsession (persistent & dominating thoughts to drink) and loss of control (can’t stop drinking once started).

    Once addicted, permanent changes happen to the brain’s reward, motivation and memory circuit’s resulting in intense craving. It’s important to recognise that once addicted, stopping drinking isn’t a matter of will power, strength of character or intellect. Alcohol dependence has been proved to be a brain disease. Once you drink enough to become alcoholic, the brain cannot return to its pre-alcoholic state, where ‘normal’ drinking was possible.

    Alcoholism is

    • A primary illness and needs to be treated first. Many secondary ailments e.g. depression, simply disappear once the alcoholic is in stable recovery. Comprehensive treatment will address co-occurring mental health issues should they exist.
    • Chronic (lasts longer than 3 months), results in physical, mental, social & spiritual problems. Alcoholics pathologically seek relief through drinking in spite of the dysfunction it causes in relationships and have a greatly diminished awareness of the negative effect their drinking is having. Most alcoholic’s need to be pressured into a rehab centre and this has no bearing on treatment success.

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