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Stop Drinking

Alcohol, known for its ability to enhance sociability and provide relaxation, also poses a significant risk for abuse and addiction. This dual nature makes it essential to recognise when casual drinking crosses into problematic territory. The initial pleasurable effects of alcohol can lead to its excessive use, increasing the likelihood of dependence and addiction. Overindulgence […]

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Practical Ways to Stop Drinking

For an alcoholic to stop drinking alcohol may be the best decision ever made, however it is easier said than done. Let us look at some practical ways to stop drinking. Are You Completely Dependent on Alcohol? If you are physically dependent on alcohol, you need to stop drinking under the supervision of a doctor. In […]

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What Is An Alcohol Detox Centre?

An alcohol detox centre is a medical facility that offers help for alcoholics who need to undergo withdrawal from alcohol. These centres are professionally managed and run by trained staff that are experienced in treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms. An alcoholic is a very sick person. They need help physically, mentally and emotionally to stop drinking, […]

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Why Your Body Wants You to Quit Alcohol

Quitting alcohol comes with so many benefits, you’ll be able use the money you spend drinking on things you love and you’ll be able to focus better at work or at home. However, the best part of quitting alcohol is the health benefits you’ll get as alcohol abuse and addiction can pose a serious threat […]

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Why Cant I Stop Drinking

If you can’t stop drinking alcohol, then it’s clear that there is a problem at hand and that help is needed. “Why can’t I stop drinking? This may seem like a simple question to some but to alcoholics, it’s a question that carries lots of distress. While many will say that it’s wrong and unfair […]

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The Effects of Alcoholism on Children

How Alcohol Addiction Affects Children Did you know that when someone is addicted to alcohol, it doesn’t only affect the alcoholic’s health and wellbeing but also the welfare of those closest to them? When it’s a parent suffering with alcoholism, it’s usually the children of the alcoholic that suffers the most. However, the effects that […]

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What Does Alcohol Do to the Body

When someone who has been abusing alcohol for a long period of time decides to stop drinking, there are certain symptoms that they may experience. These are known as withdrawal symptoms and because we are all different, the severity of it will vary from person to person and in some cases, it can be dangerous. […]

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Easy Ways To Stop Drinking

To some, quitting alcohol may seem like a walk in the park but it’s certainly not the case. Many people have tried and many have failed. If you have being abusing alcohol for a long period of time, it’s unlikely that you will be able to stop using it immediately. However, knowing how to do […]

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Twelve Steps

The Twelve Steps, central to the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are outlined at the start of the chapter “How It Works” in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous.” These steps form a guideline for personal recovery from alcoholism, emphasising acknowledgment of powerlessness over alcohol, belief in a higher power, self-examination, admission of wrongdoings, readiness to have […]

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