What Is An Alcohol Detox Centre?

An alcohol detox centre is a medical facility that offers help for alcoholics who need to undergo withdrawal from alcohol. These centres are professionally managed and run by trained staff that are experienced in treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

An alcoholic is a very sick person. They need help physically, mentally and emotionally to stop drinking, which should ideally begin at an alcohol detox centre. While alcohol is a socially acceptable drug, one needs only take a look at the damage done to the body of a chronic alcoholic to realise that drinking alcohol can be devastating. Yet, why does an alcoholic keep drinking and subjecting themselves to such punishment and embarrassment?

We have all heard the stories of the alcoholic, shaking violently, waiting outside the liquor store for it to open. We have heard of husbands or wives faced with losing their families, their homes and their livelihood, promising family members that they will stop drinking, only to continue.

We have heard of alcoholics who decide to stop drinking and pour all of their alcohol down the drain but within six hours are unable to stay stopped due to the agony they feel without alcohol in their system. Why is it so difficult for an alcoholic to stop drinking? There are two reasons: mental dependence and physical dependence.

We Do Recover offer free expert advice on finding the most appropriate quality alcohol detox centres in South Africa, the UK and Thailand. We work with only the best clinics employing trained medical, counselling and other professionals offering alcoholics the best chance possible for recovery. Contact us today to help you find an alcohol detox centre near you.

Help from an alcohol detox centre is often required to help an alcoholic begin a life of sobriety

Alcohol is a substance which can cause physical dependence. When an alcoholic has been consuming alcohol on a regular basis over a period of time, their bodies become physically dependent on having alcohol in their systems.  It is due to this physical dependency that when their bodies do not receive the alcohol to which they are dependent, their bodies go into a state of withdrawal.

When an alcoholic experience these withdrawals, their best friend has turned into their worst enemy. That which brought them such comfort is now causing them incredible pain.

Withdrawal symptoms are often called “delerium tremens” or “DTs” and include shaking, tremors, sweating, vomiting, muscle pain, increased heart rate and blood pressure, hallucinations and delusion.  Withdrawal from alcohol is extremely taxing on the already fragile alcoholic’s body and can be dangerous and potentially fatal.

Medication is very helpful in assisting an alcoholic in withdrawal from alcohol dependence. Due to the dangers to the human body and the need for medication, professional assistance during a detox from alcohol is extremely important. It is also important that this detox occurs in a facility that is equipped to deal with the complications which may arise. A quality alcohol detox centre will have these facilities and offer the best care possible for alcohol withdrawal.

When an alcoholic undergoes an assisted detox that is supervised and monitored by professionals, they stand a far better chance of finishing the detox and remaining sober afterwards.

After Detox

Most alcoholism centres will offer an alcohol detox programme and after completion it is highly recommended that the client continue with in-patient treatment at the centre.

Due to the fact that alcoholism is a disease that is incurable, progressive and can be fatal, the cessation of drinking is but the beginning of the road to recovery. Excessive drinking is a symptom of this disease and once an alcoholic has stopped drinking, the disease remains. The term “dry drunk” refers to an alcoholic who has achieved sobriety but has not treated the underlying disease.

To ensure continued sobriety after an alcohol detox, abstinence-plus change is extremely important. It is for this reason that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) have helped so many alcoholics achieve lasting sobriety. The Steps provide a daily programme of recovery to help manage the disease, which in turn enables an alcoholic to return to normal life and live a productive and healthy existence after leaving an alcohol detox centre.

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