Rehab in Johannesburg. Joburg's Top Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centre

Get the help you need. Alcohol and drug detox and rehab for addiction treatment in Joburg - contact a counsellor today on 0814447000. Get help from qualified counsellors.

  • Covered by Medical Aid or Private Health Insurance
  • Outpatient, Detox, Primary, Secondary, Sober Home
  • Effective Addiction & Mental Health Treatment


    Finding The Best Rehab in Johannesburg

    Finding the right rehab in Johannesburg for alcohol or drug addiction is crucial and We Do Recover can help. They offer guidance to the best rehab centers, ensuring access to comprehensive care including detoxification and aftercare. Recognising the need for rehab is the first step towards recovery. Both drug and alcohol rehab programs aim to offer a holistic and integrative treatment, addressing not just the addiction but also underlying issues. Early intervention is essential and the best rehab programs provide a combination of medically managed detoxification and rehabilitation. This includes medical care, educational programs, counselling and group therapy. Family support is vital for recovery, making it important to choose a rehab that facilitates family involvement. Aftercare support is also key to maintaining long-term sobriety.

    We are here to guide you through this process, ensuring that you or your family member is treated effectively and with dignity and that you do not waste your money on ineffective addiction treatment services in Johannesburg (of which there are many). Each part of effective Johannesburg rehab treatment program is outlined below, so that you are fully aware of how we work and how you can help your loved one.

    Admission Into Rehab In Johannesburg

    Booking a loved one into a suitable, comfortable treatment facility is one of the first steps in the successful recovery process. If you like the centre and feel safe, welcomed and encouraged you are more likely to succeed on their path to sobriety.

    Consider the following factors before selecting your personal choice of rehab centre.

    • People are all different and require different treatments. No one treatment works for every person.
    • A minimum of 4 weeks must be spent in a primary care addiction facility in order for the process to be successful.
    • Effective addiction should address all areas of the addict’s life, not just the addiction and should assess the root causes of the addiction that has presented itself.
    • Medical treatment and therapy should go hand in hand when it comes to serious addiction.
    • Treatment should be adaptive and should respond to the individual needs of the patient, even when these needs shift spontaneously.
    • Rehab is not always consensual and many addicts compelled by family, friends and court orders have undergone remarkable transformations, initially against their will.
    • Administered medications must be monitored by medical professionals within the facility.
    • Warnings about the health risks of drug and alcohol abuse as well as destructive behavioural tendencies must be issued to patients upon arrival.


    Step 1.

    Make The Call

    Whether you are ready for treatment or not. Our helpline is 100% confidential and we are here to chat.

    Step 2.

    Medical Detox

    Step 2 consists of the detoxification process. All you need to do is show up and we will help with the rest.

    Step 3.

    Residential Treatment

    Step 3 begins when detox is completed. During this phase, you can expect intensive residential treatment.

    Step 4.

    Outpatient & Aftercare

    Step 4 is when you begin to re-enter society, armed with the tools needed for lifelong recovery from addiction.

    081 444 7000

    In primary care or inpatient rehab, addicts/alcoholics or “people” with substance use disorder may be initially restricted from contacting friends and family to avoid external triggers that could lead to relapse or jeopardise their treatment. As patients show improvement, visiting hours and family days become part of the recovery process. Secondary care or outpatient rehab allows individuals to return home nightly and continue therapy each morning, suitable for less severe addictions and those with significant family or life commitments. Both inpatient and outpatient programs start with a professional assessment, followed by a structured treatment plan.

    The core of both drug and alcohol rehab programs includes detoxification, counselling, behavioural therapies and aftercare planning, addressing the underlying causes of addiction like trauma, mental health issues and social influences. While the treatment may vary slightly based on the substance, the aim is to offer holistic care, helping individuals overcome addiction and providing them with tools for sustained recovery.

    Detox Rehabs In Johannesburg

    Understanding the detoxification process is vital for families aiding a loved one’s recovery from substance addiction. Detox involves eliminating toxic substances from the body, a crucial phase that helps prevent severe withdrawal symptoms and cravings. However, detox can be a difficult and painful experience, highlighting the importance of specialist rehab clinics in Johannesburg with expert medical staff. These facilities offer a safe environment for managing withdrawal symptoms, ranging from depression and anxiety to potentially life-threatening conditions like seizures and heart attacks.

    While some addictions, such as cannabis and cocaine, might not require detox, alcohol, benzodiazepines and heroin often need medically supervised detoxification, sometimes necessitating hospitalisation before therapeutic rehab treatment begins. Detox is merely the first step; it must be followed by a comprehensive rehabilitation programme, including therapy and lifestyle changes, for lasting sobriety. Home detox attempts are dangerous and not recommended due to potential complications. Professional, medically supervised detox in Johannesburg rehab centres is the safest, most effective way to start the recovery process.

    Rehab Icon
    Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.

    Seeking professional treatment for addiction is essential, akin to obtaining medical care for physical ailments. The stigma surrounding addiction treatment can deter individuals from seeking help, yet engaging with accredited centres for professional assistance is a crucial step towards recovery. The rehabilitation process begins with a critical phase of detoxification, addressing both the physical withdrawal symptoms and the emotional and psychological aspects of addiction. This initial step is vital for laying the groundwork for addressing the underlying issues that contribute to addictive behaviour.

    In Johannesburg, medical aids and hospital plans typically cover 21 days per year in a drug and alcohol rehab centre, which usually includes the costs of detoxification and primary care treatment. However, effective treatment, particularly for severe addictions, often extends beyond 90 days, necessitating further financial support from patients and their families for extended care in secondary and halfway house rehabs. This long-term approach, starting with detoxification and moving towards addressing deeper emotional and psychological issues, is fundamental for achieving lasting recovery.

    Individual behavioural therapy

    Effective addiction treatment encompasses more than just addressing physical symptoms; it critically examines the psychological and emotional factors contributing to substance use disorders. This comprehensive approach involves patients understanding the origins of their addiction, learning strategies and coping mechanisms to manage underlying emotions, acquiring new skills and engaging in hobbies that divert attention from addictive behaviors. Additionally, it includes identifying triggers to avoid future relapses, highlighting the importance of a treatment program in navigating the complexities of addiction recovery.

    The Psychological and Emotional Factors

    Addiction is not an outcome of deliberate intention. While moderate alcohol consumption and even recreational drug use are normalised in many cultures, approximately 10% of individuals find themselves in the throes of addiction. The transition from casual use to dependency is often subtle, influenced by various psychological and emotional factors.

    The Consequences of Using Substances as Coping Mechanisms

    Relying on alcohol or drugs as coping mechanisms significantly impairs problem-solving abilities and decision-making skills. This creates a vicious cycle where substance use exacerbates the very problems it is intended to alleviate.

    Strategies for Addressing Addiction

    To break this cycle, addiction treatment programs emphasise counselling, therapy and education. These modalities help patients understand the root causes of their dependence, providing them with tools and strategies to handle stress and triggers without reverting to substance use.

    Education in Addiction Treatment

    Educational aspects of treatment empower patients with knowledge about the nature of addiction, its effects on the brain and body and strategies for maintaining sobriety. This knowledge is fundamental for long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

    Group Therapy

    Group therapy, a core component of many treatment programs, provides the invaluable benefit of universality. This concept, pioneered by Irvin Yalom, highlights the therapeutic effect of sharing experiences with others facing similar challenges. In private treatment settings, this creates a sense of community and mutual understanding, significantly enhancing the recovery process.

    Individual patients experience the following benefits from group therapy sessions:

    • Interaction with others who are in the same situation and who can provide support and familiarity.
    • A sharing of personal stories and insecurities, which bring solace to the recovering addict who might otherwise feel alone in his/her suffering.

    Family Therapy

    Family members are often the most deeply affected by the addiction of a loved one. Most treatment facilities encourage family therapy, where the individual’s family members come into the facility for private sessions with the affected and the counsellor. Family therapy can unearth and resolve issues and reinstate the family as a pillar of support for the recovered person.

    "Thank you so much; your team was outstanding in supporting my partner's recovery." – Anika

    "The compassionate support my daughter received from your team gave us hope during tough times." – Lian

    "Your care during my husband's darkest days was amazing for our family." – Jacks

    "The professionalism and empathy shown by your staff to my sister were beyond commendable." – Piet

    "I can't express enough how much your support has meant for my brother's recovery." – Pierre

    "Thanks to your team, my wife has found a new beginning." – Tom

    "I appreciate the dedication you showed towards my son's recovery." – Willam

    "Every step of the way, your team was there with my fiancé. Thank you!" – Ava

    "The support provided by your staff was instrumental in my mother's recovery." – Marius

    "Thank you for the hope and strength you've given my father." – Isla

    "Your team's approach was exactly what my nephew needed to recover." – Lucas

    "The understanding and help from your counsellors have changed my granddaughter's life." – Mia

    "I am now healthier and happier, seeing my brother's improvement, thanks to your support." – Jacob

    "Your guidance has been a lifeline for our family." – Ella

    "Forever thankful for all the help and encouragement you provided my partner." – Alfie

    "Your team's kindness and expertise were crucial for my daughter's journey." – Charlotte

    "I've regained control over my life, seeing how you've helped my son." – Elize

    "I'm writing to express my heartfelt thanks for your wonderful care of my wife." – Hendrik

    "Your staff was incredibly supportive and understanding throughout my husband's treatment." – Jaco

    "Thank you for helping my sister rebuild her confidence and her life." – Tiaan

    "You've given my father the tools to continue his path with hope." – Evie

    "I couldn't have made it without your team's persistent support for my son." – George

    "I felt supported and understood, thanks to your amazing team caring for my mother." – Isabella

    "Thank you for standing by me and supporting my brother when he felt alone." – Leo

    "Your team's efforts have significantly impacted my wife's life for the better." – AB

    "The compassion and care my father received were exceptional." – Daisy

    "Every single member of your staff has been incredible in treating my daughter. Thank you." – Bilal

    "Your support team was responsive and incredibly helpful during my wife's treatment." – Dewald

    "I've never felt so supported and cared for, seeing how you treated my brother." – Andries

    "Grateful for the outstanding care and personalised attention my son received." – Jessica

    "Your team helped my partner find the way when she was lost." – Tom

    "Thank you for providing such a thoughtful and well-rounded programme for my nephew." – Ellie

    "I am sincerely thankful for the patience and respect you showed my granddaughter." – Barend

    "The care my son received was nothing short of fantastic." – Emma

    "Thanks for the brilliant support and for believing in my husband." – Heila

    "Your team was there for my wife at every turn." – Jake

    "The guidance from your counsellors has profoundly helped my nephew." – Alfie

    "My daughter has found a new lease on life thanks to your excellent team." – S

    "Each day now feels brighter, seeing my son's recovery." – Gerhard

    "Truly, I appreciate all the support during my wife's time of need." – Dan

    "Your team has been a crucial part of my brother's path to health." – Ruan

    "Heartfelt thanks for your support for my partner." – Chloe

    "Thanks to your team, my daughter is thriving and hopeful." – Mohammed

    "Your professional care genuinely saved my wife's life." – Suresh

    "I am grateful every day for your support and kindness towards my husband." – Raj

    "Your dedication to my son's wellbeing has been incredible." – Khadija

    "Thank you for everything; it's been a experience for my niece." – Logan

    "I couldn't have asked for better support and understanding for my grandmother." – Mariam

    "Your dedication to my brother's wellbeing has been incredible." – Theo

    "You've helped my wife turn her life around." – EB

    Past Trauma

    Integrating trauma treatment with addiction recovery is essential for a holistic approach to healing. This involves therapeutic measures, crafting coping mechanisms for triggers and relapse prevention strategies. It’s important to educate individuals on the link between trauma and substance abuse to enhance self-awareness and disrupt the addiction cycle. Furthermore, rehabilitation centers are incorporating mindfulness and stress-reduction methods with conventional therapies to create healthier reactions to stress and trauma-induced triggers.

    Trauma in Addiction Treatment

    Recognising and treating trauma is essential in achieving a holistic recovery from addiction. Trauma, which can be a fundamental cause of addictive behaviors, may arise from diverse sources including childhood neglect, abuse or impactful life events. Often, individuals use substances as a way to dull the emotional and psychological pain stemming from these traumatic experiences. This creates a complicated relationship between trauma and addiction, where one continually feeds into the other. Addiction treatment centers are now more than ever acknowledging the critical need to address and heal underlying trauma as a key part of the recovery process.

    Complex Trauma

    In rehab settings, addressing complex trauma effectively requires a comprehensive approach. This involves creating a safe and supportive environment that encourages individuals to comfortably face and work through their traumatic experiences. Various therapy methods are utilised, such as Trauma-Informed Care (TIC), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). TIC is centered on understanding trauma’s extensive impact and guiding recovery, EMDR helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories and CBT focuses on altering thought patterns linked to these experiences. Additionally, group sessions and family therapy provide communal support and play a important role in mending relationships affected by both trauma and addiction.

    Hidden Trauma

    Hidden trauma refers to past traumatic experiences that a person may not consciously recognise or remember but still profoundly affects their emotional and mental health. This kind of trauma is often deeply buried in the subconscious, possibly because it was too painful to face when it happened or because the person was too young to process it properly. This trauma can show itself in various ways, influencing behaviour, relationships and feelings without the person realising the true cause. Symptoms can include unexplained anxiety, depression, trust issues or self-destructive behavior. Often, hidden trauma leads to coping mechanisms like substance abuse or other addictive behaviors as people try to deal with unresolved emotional pain without even realising it. The difficulty with hidden trauma is that it’s hard to detect. Since it’s not immediately obvious, both individuals and mental health professionals might struggle to identify and treat it. While traditional therapy might address the symptoms, it may not reach the deeper, underlying trauma, potentially leading to only partial healing. However with specific approaches like psychoanalysis, trauma-informed therapy and EMDR, these hidden traumas can be unearthed and processed effectively.

    Secondary Care Rehabs in Johannesburg

    A secondary care facility is a step-down level of care that follows the initial, more intensive primary care phase. While primary care typically involves intensive treatment in a highly structured environment, often including medical detoxification and initial therapy, secondary care offers a less intensive but still supportive next step in the recovery process.

    Secondary care facilities usually provide continued therapy and support while allowing for greater autonomy and less supervision than primary care. This phase of treatment often focuses on reinforcing the skills and strategies learned during primary care, further exploring underlying issues related to addiction and preparing individuals for reintegration into their daily lives.

    Key aspects of secondary care rehab in Johannesburg include:

    Continued Therapy and Counselling

    Patients continue to participate in individual and group therapy sessions, which are often less frequent than in primary care. The therapy may focus on relapse prevention, managing triggers and building coping mechanisms.

    Greater Independence

    Patients in secondary care often have more personal time and less supervision, which allows them to start practicing independence while still in a supportive environment. This can include managing their own schedule, engaging in vocational activities or attending outside support groups.

    Life Skills Development

    Secondary care programs typically include training in practical life skills, such as financial management, job skills and relationship building, which are important for successful reintegration into society.

    Community-Based Activities

    Many secondary care facilities encourage participation in community activities, volunteering or part-time work, which helps patients rebuild their confidence and establish a routine outside the rehab environment.

    Family Involvement

    Family therapy and involvement often continue in this phase, helping to mend relationships and build a support system for when the patient leaves the facility.

    Preparation for Discharge

    A significant focus of secondary care is preparing patients for life after rehab. This includes developing a comprehensive aftercare plan, which may involve ongoing therapy, support groups and strategies to maintain sobriety.

    Tertiary Care Rehabs

    Tertiary care represents the last stage in the addiction treatment process, coming after primary and secondary care. Its main goal is to help individuals smoothly transition from the structured environment of treatment centers to their daily lives. This phase offers less intensive but continuous therapeutic support, focusing on reinforcing recovery and helping individuals apply sober living skills in everyday situations. Activities in tertiary care often include outpatient therapy, regular attendance in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous and periodic meetings with addiction counsellors or therapists. This stage is fundamental for maintaining the progress made in earlier treatment phases and ensuring a stable, long-term recovery.

    Halfway Houses and Sober Living Homes

    Halfway houses are structured transitional living spaces for individuals recovering from addiction, often used as a step between an inpatient treatment facility and returning to regular society. They provide a supportive environment where residents can continue their recovery while beginning to engage with the community, work or education. Residents are usually required to follow certain rules, such as abiding by a curfew, participating in household chores and attending group meetings.

    These houses also often provide access to counselling and job training services.

    Similar to halfway houses, sober living homes offer a substance-free environment for individuals in recovery but are typically less structured. They do not usually provide professional counselling on-site but encourage or require residents to engage in external therapy or support group participation. Sober living homes are often used as a long-term recovery strategy, helping individuals to establish a sober lifestyle and build a supportive community. Residents are expected to maintain sobriety, contribute to the household and often participate in shared responsibilities like cooking and cleaning.

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    Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.


    Recovery from addiction is a process that extends beyond the rehab and encompasses the finding of a new life purpose. An aftercare plan, crucial for sustained recovery and relapse prevention, is devised with counsellors before leaving rehab, incorporating support groups, individual therapy and follow-up programs like the 12-Step Program. We Do Recover aids in selecting mentors and aftercare services to support both the individual and their family.

    Professional intervention is essential, as untreated addiction worsens over time. In Johannesburg, drug rehab clinics offer tailored detox and treatment programs to meet individual needs, improving the chances of successful recovery. WeDoRecover assists families in choosing the right rehab facility, stressing the importance of a suitable match between the client’s requirements and the treatment approach for effective recovery.

    Effective Addiction Treatment In Johannesburg

    The rehabilitation treatment program that is offered in the drug rehab facility in Johannesburg should include a number of program activities that view the patient from many different angles. This is key because unless your alcohol addiction or drug problem is completely assessed and the rehab center has the means to work with the patient in a  format that will actually help them they would be unlikely to be able to develop a treatment program that will adequately address your needs.

    If you’re struggling with the mood swings and unpredictable behaviour of addiction take a moment to consider the potential consequences. What happens if you are involved in a car crash involving innocent victims? How possible is it that you could lash out at somebody you love if they catch you at just the wrong time? The risks of addiction keep mounting up until eventually, something has to go wrong. People die from this disease not only through the direct causes like organ failure but also through the accidents that accompany the dangerous lifestyle of addiction. A Johannesburg drug rehab clinic will help you to remove these unnecessary risks and stresses from your life.

    It is often difficult for the family of a drug addict or alcoholic to watch them decline as a result of their addiction. Johannesburg drug rehab clinics help to restore families by halting the destruction of the addict. Drug use has a physical effect on your body and your brain. They lead you to think differently, have irrational fears and to start pushing people away. It is very hard for a family to stand by and watch somebody slide into this mad way of living.

    12-Step Programs in Recovery

    The 12-step treatment program, originated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and adapted by various other groups, plays a significant clinical role in addiction recovery. These programs offer a structured approach to overcoming addiction through a series of steps that emphasise acknowledgment of addiction making amends and continuous self-improvement. Clinically, the 12-step approach is valued for several reasons: The group setting provides a strong support network of peers who share similar experiences with addiction offering encouragement and understanding that can be critical during recovery. The 12 steps provide a clear, step-by-step recovery process which can bring structure to the often chaotic lives of people struggling with addiction. While not necessarily religious, the program’s emphasis on higher power can offer a sense of purpose and strength beyond the individual’s capabilities. 12-step programs encourage ongoing participation, which can help maintain sobriety in the long term.

    Controversy of 12 Step

    The 12-step program, despite its popularity and widespread use, has not been without its share of controversy. Critics point out that its uniform approach might not be effective for everyone, especially for individuals with specific issues or those dealing with co-occurring mental health disorders. Additionally, the program’s spiritual foundation can be a hurdle for people who are non-religious or adhere to different belief systems. Another concern is that these programs are typically peer-led and do not include professional clinical supervision, which could be important for individuals in need of medical or psychiatric attention. Further to that the effectiveness of 12-step programs has been a topic of debate with some studies calling for more in-depth research to evaluate their efficacy comprehensively. That said the evidence to supports the effectiveness of adopting 12 Step programs in and after rehab is overwhelmingly positive.

    Managing 12 Steps Effectively for Successful Recovery

    When effectively integrated into a broader addiction treatment strategy, 12-step programs can play a important role, particularly if their foundational principles are introduced early in rehabilitation. These programs, when combined with other treatment methods, can offer a supportive framework that complements the overall recovery process.

    • Combining with Professional Treatment
      Integrating 12-step programs with professional medical and psychological treatment can address the limitations of peer-led support.
    • Personalisation
      Encouraging individuals to interpret the steps in a way that aligns with their personal beliefs and circumstances can make the program more effective.
    • Alternative Options
      Providing information about alternative or complementary recovery programs ensures that individuals find the approach that best suits their needs.

    Many people have found lasting recovery from addiction by combining 12-step programs with supportive rehabilitation. These programs, known for their effectiveness, are a key part of the path towards overcoming addiction. Rehab centers that focus on both clinical care and spiritual growth address the complex needs of addiction treatment. In Johannesburg, selecting a rehab clinic that blends these elements can greatly improve treatment outcomes, paving the way for a sustained recovery and a healthier future.

    Inpatient Rehab

    Rehab care is a good option if you are at risk of experiencing strong withdrawal symptoms when you try stop a substance. This option would also be recommended if you have experienced recurrent relapses or if you have tried a less-intensive treatment without success.


    If you're committed to your sobriety but cannot take a break from your daily duties for an inpatient program. Outpatient rehab treatment might suit you well if you are looking for a less restricted format for addiction treatment or simply need help with mental health.


    Therapy can be good step towards healing and self-discovery. If you need support without disrupting your routine, therapy offers a flexible solution for anyone wishing to enhance their mental well-being or work through personal issues in a supportive, confidential environment.

    Mental Health

    Are you having persistent feelings of being swamped, sad or have sudden surges of anger or intense emotional outbursts? These are warning signs of unresolved trauma mental health. A simple assesment by a mental health expert could provide valuable insights into your recovery.

    Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers

    Alcohol rehabilitation centers play a vital role in helping individuals overcome alcoholism, a condition that often leads to job loss, family issues and health problems. By treating alcoholism as a disease, these centers offer a beacon of hope through detoxification processes and support, helping people rebuild lives filled with dignity and fulfillment.

    Treatment methods in alcohol rehab centers have significantly progressed since the early 20th century. Originally, the focus was mainly on ‘drying out’ alcoholics but today, thanks to extensive research, these centers offer medically supervised detoxification that minimises discomfort. There’s a deeper psychological understanding of alcoholism now with a team of psychologists, counsellors, doctors and psychiatrists collaboratively managing each patient’s treatment, addressing both psychological and medical needs.

    Spiritual well-being is also an important aspect of recovery, often explored through 12-step programs that encourage personal spiritual growth while respecting individual belief systems. Physical exercise is recognised for its emotional and physical benefits with activities ranging from gentle walks to more structured gym workouts, providing new ways for patients to relax and heal.

    Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous are integral to both in-treatment and post-discharge phases. They enhance the quality of recovery and promote sustained abstinence by providing a supportive community, creating a sense of belonging and allowing patients to feel seen and understood.

    What We Treat

    Our Johannesburg rehab facility offers specialised treatment for a range of addictions, including cocaine, alcohol, cannabis, benzodiazepines, prescription medications, heroin and methamphetamine.


    Cocaine addiction is a crippling illness that can rob people of their mental health, careers, families and even their lives. It drives an overwhelming compulsion to seek and use cocaine, often leading to deceitful and harmful behaviors. Thankfully, years of research have resulted in effective treatment methods, providing hope for those struggling with this addiction. Professional help, be it through a rehab program or a 12-step approach, is crucial, as overcoming cocaine addiction is a challenge seldom faced successfully alone. This addiction doesn’t just affect the individual; it also has a profound impact on their loved ones. Committing to a cocaine rehab program and fully engaging in the treatment process is a critical step. While the treatment team offers guidance and support, the true path to recovery is paved by the individual’s own commitment to becoming healthy and cocaine-free.

    Alcohol Rehab Johannesburg

    Alcohol addiction is a destructive condition that wreaks havoc on many aspects of life, from mental well-being and careers to family relationships and overall health. It consumes a person’s life with an overpowering need to drink, often leading to deceitful and damaging behaviors in order to maintain the addiction. Fortunately, years of research have led to the development of highly effective treatments for alcohol addiction. Typically, overcoming this addiction involves structured support, which can be found in professional rehab programs or community groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s important to understand that the repercussions of alcohol addiction extend beyond the individual, significantly affecting their loved ones as well.


    Cannabis addiction, frequently downplayed, can deeply affect a person’s life, impacting mental health, personal relationships and career goals. Fortunately, the field of addiction treatment has advanced, providing effective ways to address cannabis dependency. Recovery usually requires structured support, which can be found in specialised rehab programs or support groups. The effects of cannabis addiction go beyond just the individual, significantly touching the lives of their families and loved ones. Recognising the issue and committing to a cannabis rehab program are essential first steps on the path to healing and recovery.

    Benzodiazepine and Prescription Medications

    The growing issue of addiction to benzodiazepines and other prescription medications in Johannesburg is causing serious effects on individuals’ physical and mental health, relationships and overall life stability. This kind of addiction often begins with a valid prescription but can quickly turn into a dependency, characterised by an intense need to keep using these drugs. Tackling addiction to benzodiazepines and prescription medications is challenging and requires a holistic treatment approach. Effective recovery typically includes structured support, provided by specialised rehab programs and various therapeutic interventions. It’s important to remember that the impact of this addiction extends beyond the individual, deeply affecting their families and loved ones. Taking the step to commit to a treatment program and actively participate in the recovery process is vital.


    Heroin addiction is a devastating disease that profoundly affects physical health, mental well-being and social relationships. It engulfs individuals in a powerful urge to use, often leading to dangerous and harmful behaviors. Tackling heroin addiction is a formidable challenge that requires a detailed, personalised treatment plan. Our treatment methods, grounded in extensive research and clinical practice, offer not only hope but a real possibility for a fresh start. Professional help through heroin rehab programs is critical, as overcoming heroin addiction on one’s own is particularly difficult. This isn’t just about the individual; it deeply impacts their family and loved ones, whose support is invaluable. Committing to our heroin rehab program marks a significant step towards breaking free from the addiction and starting a new chapter in life.


    Johannesburg is home to specialised rehab programs tailored for methamphetamine addiction, which is known for its intense euphoria and serious side effects. These programs offer a holistic approach to treatment, encompassing medical detox, behavioural therapy and ongoing support for lasting recovery. They focus on both the physical and psychological aspects of meth addiction. Methamphetamine, notorious for its potent euphoric effects, can rapidly lead to addiction, resulting in significant physical and mental health issues. The rehab programs in Johannesburg are specifically designed to tackle the unique challenges posed by meth addiction. They provide comprehensive care including detoxification to break the physical dependence, along with behavioural therapy to address psychological harm and promote lifestyle changes essential for long-term recovery. The complexity of meth addiction demands this focused and multilayered treatment approach.


    In Johannesburg, rehab facilities are well-equipped to address prescription opioid addiction, including the misuse of drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone. These facilities prioritise safe detoxification and counselling to delve into the root causes of addiction, while also focusing on building strategies to prevent relapse. This comprehensive approach aims to help individuals recover holistically from opioid dependence. Prescription opioid misuse, involving drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone and morphine, has emerged as a significant public health concern. Originally prescribed for pain management, these medications can lead to addiction if used improperly. Johannesburg’s rehab centers offer an integrated treatment approach, combining medical management, counselling and support services. The focus of treatment is on safely detoxifying the body, uncovering and addressing the underlying reasons for addiction and developing effective coping mechanisms for relapse prevention. Understanding the complexity of prescription opioid addiction, these facilities provide a supportive and healing environment, empowering individuals to take back control of their lives from addiction.

    How Family and Friends Can Make a Difference

    Recovery from addiction is a process that extends beyond individual counselling and therapy to include the important support of family and friends. Their role is instrumental, ranging from encouraging the individual to seek treatment to offering emotional backing throughout the process. They often assist in finding appropriate treatment centers, join their loved ones during appointments and help create a stable, supportive environment post-treatment. This collective involvement significantly enhances the treatment’s effectiveness and bolsters long-term recovery success.

    At times, family and friends may need to initiate an intervention, which can be a decisive moment for the individual to realise the gravity of their addiction and the importance of professional help. Involving family members in the treatment process through programs like family therapy is beneficial not only for the patient but also for the family, as it cultivates mutual understanding and joint strategy development for coping. The role of loved ones continues to be essential even after the treatment program ends, as they help maintain a healthy, substance-free environment, encourage involvement in support groups and remain watchful for signs of relapse, thus providing the enduring support and understanding necessary for maintaining sobriety.

    Help For You

    Rehab might feel like a scary option. However you are here for a good reason. Don’t wait until your life falls apart. Let's chat about some options.

    Help For You

    Help A Loved One

    If you feel as if you are losing someone you love to drugs or alcohol? We can help you find the right support and care to change course they are on.

    Helping A Loved One

    Frequent Questions

    Addiction can become a complex issue, dealing with loved ones and relationships that are in turmoil. We are here to help navigate the path with you.

    Frequent Questions On Addiction

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