Help withdrawing from alcohol at a detox clinic

Withdrawal from alcohol is necessary to stop being dependent on alcohol. But for someone who is physically dependent on alcohol this is difficult and even dangerous and is often done under medical supervision, at a detox clinic. At a detox clinic to avoid damages of alcohol the withdrawal from alcohol is done under medical supervision […]

Is Addiction a physical or medical illness?

An addiction is both a physical and mental illness. Once someone is an alcoholic or drug addict they are physically dependent on the substance and the craving for the substance is strong they physically cannot give up without help. Medical intervention can help with detoxification and initially stopping using the drug or alcohol but these […]

Is addiction treatment really an effective treatment?

The success rates of addictions treatment depends many factors but the old myth that the addict or alcoholic has to enter rehab highly motivated for it to work has been proven to be untrue. Most people addicted to alcohol or other drugs enter rehab with little desire to get treated and live without their addiction and this […]

Addiction Clinics in the UK

There are many different types of addiction clinics in the UK and how do you tell which is the most suitable? One way of dividing up the clinics is based on cost and facilities. The addiction clinics in the UK range from effective and affordable private clinics offering great value for money, NHS funded facilities […]

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol can be a physically addictive substance, causing alcohol dependency (addiction to alcohol). When a person suffers from alcoholism their physical body experiences withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal is range of symptoms which occurs when heavy drinkers or those who are alcohol dependent stop drinking. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms range from nausea, itching and […]

Miaow Miaow

Mephedrone (4-Methylmethcathinone), known by various street names including miaow miaow and bath salts, is emerging as a significant drug of concern, particularly in Europe and to some extent in the United States. “Miaow Miaow, also known as Mephedrone, is a synthetic drug that gained popularity in the early 2000s. Initially marketed as a legal high, […]


30/01/2010 A behavioural syndrome characterised by the repeated, compulsive seeking and using of a substance, including alcohol, gambling, sexual and eating-disorders, despite adverse social, psychological, and/or physical consequences. This is referred to as Loss of Control and is one of the defining characteristics of addiction. Loss of control combined with tolerance – a need for […]

Opiate Intoxication

Opiate intoxication is a critical medical emergency resulting from an overdose of opiate drugs, posing severe health risks due to its overwhelming impact on the central nervous system. This condition can lead to respiratory depression and potentially death, especially if opiate use resumes after a period of abstinence, reducing the user’s tolerance or if a […]


Benzodiazepines are a type of medication often prescribed as part of medically supervised drug withdrawal and treatment. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers. Benzodiazepines work by affecting the way certain brain chemicals transmit messages to some brain cells. In effect, they reduce the excitability of many brain cells. This has a calming effect on various functions of […]

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