Completing an addiction treatment program inside a drug or alcohol rehabilitation centre is a remarkable achievement and it is definitely one to be proud of.
However, it does not mean that an addict has now fully recovered and can immediately return back into society. There is unfortunately no cure for any addiction and recovery is a lifelong commitment to remaining clean and sober.
The biggest challenge that a recovering addict will face in the early stages of recovery is the risk of suffering a relapse, which is a fall back into their old addictive ways.
When a relapse does occur, the happiness and elation that was previously experienced, quickly turns into sadness, embarrassment and guilt.
While there may be disappointment, it’s not the end of the world. The reaction to the relapse now becomes the centre of attention. What will it be? Are you just going to lie down and accept that you can’t beat your addiction or are you going to pick yourself up and work towards getting clean and sober again?
In this article, we’re going to tell you how to handle a relapse and what help is available for you.
So you’ve recently suffered a relapse and it feels like all your hard work and effort was a waste of time. What do you do next?
The most important thing now is to accept that you have made a mistake. We are all human and we will falter from time to time. What is key is to learn from it.
There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Relapses are a common occurrence for many who are in recovery of addiction and it has got nothing to do with willpower or how strong you are.
Go back and see the addiction counsellor you worked with at the rehab you were admitted to and see if they can help you get back on the right path. In some cases, the addict may be required to return into treatment for another stint in rehab in order to better prepare themselves for returning back into society.
Self-help support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are very effective in helping those who have just completed addiction treatment to achieve long term recovery.
The AA and NA base their treatment methods on the 12 Steps, which is a set of principles that guides recovery from addiction. In a nutshell, the entire program involves the following:

- Admitting that we cannot control the addiction ourselves
- Acknowledging that a higher power can provide us with strength
- Working through past mistakes with people that have been there and done that
- Correcting the mistakes that were made in the past
- Changing the way the individual behaves and lives their life
- Supporting and helping others in a similar position as yourself
All of these points above are tried & tested and can be very beneficial in helping you and other recovering addicts stay on the recovery path.
If you or a loved one has suffered a relapse, we want to help you. We understand what you are going through, that’s why we have highly qualified addiction counsellors ready to help you. Feel free to contact us at anytime for expert and confidential advice regarding this matter.
How to Make Your Sobriety a Success
When it comes to addiction treatment, every single patient wants to recover as easily and soon as they possibly can.
The reality is that recovery won’t happen overnight and this is because there is simply no cure for addiction. Achieving long term sobriety requires hard work, dedication and commitment.
However, this doesn’t mean that all hope is gone. There are various proven tips and strategies that can help you achieve your recovery goal, that’s why in this article, we are going to tell you how to make your sobriety a success.
Follow Your Recovery Plan
While you were in rehab, your addiction counsellor will have devised a recovery plan for life outside the treatment centre.
Some of the items in your recovery plan may include an eating plan, how much sleep you need each day, an exercise program, a list of 12 step group meetings and appointments of when you will need to see your addiction counsellor or doctor.
By simply following your recovery plan, it will help you adjust to the early stages outside rehab, where the risk of suffering a relapse, which is a fall back into addictive ways, is most prevalent.
Keep Your Long Term Sobriety Goal in Mind
If you’re looking for a quick fix or an instant result once you have being discharged from rehab, let me be the first to tell you that you won’t.
If you have being addicted to alcohol or drugs for a long period of time, it will take a while to adjust to living without the narcotic substance.
Going straight from rehab back into society can be a little stressful, as once you are outside the addiction treatment centre; your recovery now lies solely with you.
Remember, you will never be the same person you were before you got into rehab. In order to prevent yourself from going back to your old addictive ways, changes have to be made.
For example, it’s vital to stay away from people that played a role in funding your addiction. Also, don’t go to places that might cause cravings to use drugs or alcohol. By doing these this, it drastically prevents the possibility of a relapse occurring.
We understand, it may seem a bit intimidating at first but if you are dedicated and focused on achieving your long term sobriety goal, there’s no reason why it can’t be achieved.
Learn From Past Mistakes
This old adage never fails to show it’s true worth.
It’s as simple as this – becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol is wrong and it’s a mistake that should never be made. There is simply nothing to justify the use of a narcotic substance, regardless of the circumstances you might find yourself in.
One positive is that it gives you the opportunity to learn from the mistakes that were made. Feeling sad and depressed is not going to get you anywhere, now is the time to work towards living happily again.
Dynamite Does Come in Small Packages
Once you’ve completed a stint in rehab, it can become a little easy to get carried away with the standards you set yourself.
Try not to focus on achieving massive goals, which will take time and hard work to achieve, which in some cases may even fail.
Avoiding disappointment plays a big part in preventing the possibility of a relapse. Instead, give yourself smaller and more manageable goals to achieve while on the path to achieving sobriety.
Be Thankful For What You Have Achieved Thus Far
While you may have concerns about what could happen, stop for a moment and think about what you have already achieved.
Completing an addiction treatment program is a commendable feat and it’s definitely one that should not be underestimated.
Think about it, you have your sobriety, you are about to start a new recovery process, you are turning over a new leaf and you may be even winning back the trust of the people that love you the most!
If that’s not something to be proud of, then I don’t know what is.
We Believe in You, So Believe in Yourself!...
Having faith and confidence in your own abilities has always been the recipe for success in many aspects of life and it’s no different when it comes to achieving long term sobriety from addiction.
Remember there will always be help available if you need it, from family, friends, the staff members at the rehab centre and even your peers at the 12 step group meetings.
We are also here for you, so feel free to contact us at anytime for free and confidential addiction advice from our qualified addiction counsellors, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.