Forcing Someone Into Addictions Treatment in South Africa

It is a traumatic and challenging experience for any family to watch their loved one in the cycle of self-destruction that is addiction or alcoholism. Most often they will deny there is a problem and refuse to even consider looking for help in an addiction treatment center. If you’re watching a loved one spiral into addiction, you’re facing one of the hardest decisions: when to intervene. It’s time to step in when you see them neglecting responsibilities, experiencing health issues or changing behaviour drastically. Remember, your timely intervention might be what saves them.

The role of the family is to intervene and help them start making healthy decisions.

An intervention might be the best way to help somebody to start making healthy decisions around getting help in alcohol rehab. The family could sit down with the addict or alcoholic and let them know how worried you are.

There are several types of intervention that you could try to use but the fundamental point to carry across is that the immense concern over the drinking or drugging has escalated to a point where it’s no longer possible to continue without some changes. Please seek out professional guidance before just walking in and saying this!

In cases where the individual is clearly a risk to themselves or society, it is possible to obtain a court-mandated admission to a drug or alcohol rehab. In these cases, the alcoholic or addict will be forced into treatment.

The old myth that treatment outcomes are generally more positive if somebody arrives at a drug or alcohol rehab ready and willing to engage in the treatment program, has been proven to be untrue.

People can arrive being very unwilling and after being exposed to the group and individual therapy realise that they are not alone in their problem and that they can begin to do certain relatively easy things on a day to day basis to begin to take responsibility for their condition.

Recognising the Need for Intervention

If you’re watching a loved one spiral into addiction, you’re facing one of the hardest decisions: when to intervene. It’s time to step in when you see them neglecting responsibilities, experiencing health issues or changing behaviour drastically. Remember, your timely intervention might be what saves them.

Planning an Intervention

When planning an intervention, gather a team who genuinely cares about your loved one’s wellbeing. Choose a time and place where they’d feel safe. Consider involving a professional to guide the process. Your goal is to express your concerns in a loving, non-judgmental way and present a clear plan for treatment.

Types of Interventions

There are different approaches to interventions. The Johnson Model focuses on showing the consequences of addiction in a caring manner. The ARISE Intervention is more collaborative, involving the addict in the planning process. The Family Systemic Model considers the entire family’s role in the addiction. Choose the approach that resonates with your family dynamics.

Possibly the biggest myth about drug and alcohol addiction is that the patient has to be willing to enter rehab for treatment to work.

This is untrue.

It’s been proven that external pressure from families, employers and even the legal system is useful in getting patients into treatment and keeping them in treatment.
It’s a function of the addicted person’s illness that they don’t recognise the nature or the severity of the problem. This is what is known as ‘being in denial’.
The World Health Organisation and other pertinent bodies have proven that addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a Primary, Chronic, Incurable Brain disease. If we addicted patients and their behaviour in this light it’s much easier to understand where they are and how we can best help them.
It’s very common for addicted people to be forced, cajoled, squeezed and pressured in to treatment by their families and this has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether treatment is successful.

Forcing your loved one into rehab may be the best thing you ever do for them, despite their kicking and screaming.

Ask yourself the following questions

Are you: Struggling to convince your loved one to get into addiction treatment?
Wondering which way is best to approach your loved one about their excessive alcohol or drug usage?
Afraid that forcing your loved one into addiction treatment might push them away forever?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above or can relate to them, we can help you! One of the best ways to do this is by hosting an addiction intervention.

An intervention is one of the most effective ways to convince an addict to get into addiction treatment. It involves the coming together of family, close friends or anyone that plays an important role in the addict’s life with the aim of getting their loved one to agree to immediate admission into a rehabilitation centre. Oftentimes patients addiction has reached a point where this is the best solution.

In order to achieve the objective of getting the patient admitted to a treatment facility, all stakeholders need to be on the same page, regardless of the damage or hurt the addict may have caused them. An intervention should not be used as an opportunity to vent any anger or unhappiness at their loved one’s addictive behaviour.
Instead, it should be used as a platform to tell the addict exactly what is going to happen and where they can get treatment for their addiction, if they still want the support and care of their loved ones.

It’s important to have a highly skilled and experienced addiction counsellor present during the intervention to guide the family in the preparation work before the intervention starts and to make sure that the process runs smoothly, a bed is booked at the rehab etc.

When Should an Intervention Be Done?

With most things in life, the key ingredient into making something a success is preparation and it is no different when it comes to hosting an addiction intervention.
Getting all the important details together can help to successfully convince your loved one that the only way out is through admission into a rehab centre.
Things such as intervention letters that explains to the addict about how their addictive behaviour has affected the people that love them the most and providing extensive details about an alcohol rehab or drug addiction treatment centre, can persuade your loved one to finally get help.

Intervention Help

If you need help in convincing your loved one into getting treatment for their addiction, WeDoRecover wants to assist you.
We can help you prepare for an intervention or put you in contact with a qualified addiction counsellor, experienced in hosting successful interventions.
In fact, please download our free intervention document at the bottom of this page.
We can also provide you with immediate admission to the best private addiction treatment centres in South Africa.
Feel free to call us at anytime and let one of our qualified addiction counsellors assist you in finding a rehab to suit you or your loved ones every individual needs.

In extreme cases, legal intervention might be necessary. If your loved one is a danger to themselves or others, you can seek a court-mandated treatment. This requires a social worker’s report and medical backing. It’s a tough route but sometimes it’s the only option to save a life.

Rehabilitation will involve detoxification, therapy, group meetings and planning for life after rehab. It’s a challenging journey, especially for those forced into it. But remember, rehabs are equipped to engage even the most resistant individuals and guide them towards recovery. Forcing someone into treatment is a moral quandary. You’re torn between saving their life and respecting their autonomy. It’s a heavy burden but in the face of addiction, taking action can be the most loving choice you make.

Many who were forced into treatment have turned their lives around. These stories are a testament to the fact that even those who enter rehab unwillingly can achieve lasting recovery. Let these stories give you hope.

This means that a positive treatment outcome can be accomplished even if a person is forced into drug or alcohol rehab.

In South Africa addicts and alcoholics may be court-ordered under the Prevention of and Treatment of Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act 70 of 2008). Foreign citizens may be court-ordered into a drug or alcohol rehab.

In order to obtain such an order, you should contact a private, external social worker who will compile a report and obtain medical backing to support the application for a court-ordered admission to drug rehab. There are social workers who specialise in this work. Contact us for the one closest to you.

This will force somebody into treatment until the director of the drug and alcohol rehab center recommends they be discharged. Every 12 months the director needs to inform the Department as to why the person has not yet been discharged.

Would you be willing to commit somebody to alcohol rehab if it would save his or her life?

In South Africa, the State makes provision under Prevention of and Treatment of Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act 70 of 2008) allowing for the committal of people who, due to substance abuse, do harm to themselves by wasting their money, disturbing the peace, harming themselves physically or neglecting themselves or their family.

Deciding to force a loved one into treatment is excruciatingly difficult. Seek professional guidance, weigh your options and act from a place of love. It’s a brave and selfless decision, one that could ultimately save your loved one’s life.

To see a loved one struggling with the disease of addiction is an extremely painful experience. Both the addicts and their loved ones feel helpless and hopeless and often do not know where to turn for help. Unfortunately, without professional assistance, most people who suffer from substance abuse are unable to overcome this problem. Nine out of ten addiction sufferers cannot overcome their addiction without rehab and counselling.

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Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.

Finding the right rehab close to you is simple with WeDoRecover. Our network includes the finest rehab centers, ensuring personalised, quality care for your recovery needs. Let Gareth Carter and our empathetic team help guide you to a center that feels right for you, offering expert care and support. Start your healing today by choosing a rehab that's not just close to you, but also that truly cares about your loved ones recovery.

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