Alcoholic Treatment

Alcoholic treatment, more commonly known as “alcohol rehab” is the specialised treatment of alcoholism, either in out-patients (part time) or in-patients (full time, residential) settings.
The world’s leading health and medical authorities have determined that alcoholism meets the necessary criteria to be determined a disease. There is still a lot of misunderstanding and stigma associated with being alcoholic and this may contribute towards patients not wanting to come forward for treatment.
The insidious nature of this illness is such that it extends its tendrils into every area of the alcoholics life.  This makes it nearly impossible to overcome independently and effective alcoholic treatment a complex affair.
The goal of alcoholic treatment is to restore the patient to full functioning productivity and a stable, contented recovery.  Returning to society as productive and responsible members, that have regained physical health, made amends for the harm caused in previously damaged relationships, started to take fiscal responsibility and returned to a stable mental and emotional condition will be the aim of any quality addiction treatment centre.
It’s imperative to understand that the detoxification phase of alcoholic treatment is only the first stage of rehab and abstinance isn’t equal to recovery, merely a necessarry first step in the process.
During this phase the alcoholic treatment the patient is medically supervised and helped to rid the body of the harmful toxins left over from abusive alcohol consumption.  Again, we must note that in the understanding of professional addiction treatment consultants, abstinence is not the sole basis of measuring the success of a treatment program.  Rather they see abstinence as the first (and absolutely necessary) prerequisite for finding recovery but not the end goal in itself.
It follows, therefore, that a treatment program for alcoholics must make a detoxification process available for it’s patients.
A treatment program for alcoholics
Alcoholic treatment will continue with a psychotherapeutic program that the patient will join during or after detoxifying.  This program will include traditional psychotherapy – both group and individual – as well as a number of different types of groups.  This diverse range of group therapy helps to address different areas of concern in the patients’ alcoholic recovery.
Group therapy is used in many settings and not just alcoholic treatment.  It is a very powerful mechanism of treatment because the group itself becomes a vehicle of transformation for its members. By lending each other support and providing feedback the group is able to accomplish what no individual member could do alone.
Individual therapy in alcoholic treatment will involve the patient sitting with their case worker or counsellor and exploring their recovery.  These highly confidential sessions are a safe place for the patient to disclose things that they might not feel safe to speak about in a group setting.  The counsellor is able to focus all of their attention on the patient and so provide highly individualised and personalised attention.
Additional alcoholic treatment therapy types
In addition to the traditional approaches used in therapy modern psychologists have developed a number of alternative treatments.  These forms of treatment have been proven to be effective through years of research.
One form of alternative alcoholic treatment groups is “art therapy” which encourages patients to express an idea through creative expression.  This can be in the form of painting, sculpture or creating mosaics.  Art therapy bypasses the defense mechanisms that addiction creates around itself to protect itself against being treated.
Another example of modern alcoholic treatment innovation is “music therapy”.  This often takes the form of a drumming circle where the group creates complex rhythms together.  This can be a way to improve group cohesion and to express inner emotions that are hidden behind masks.  Other music groups can use a variety of instruments to create an “orchestra type effect”.
Length of alcoholic treatment
A short alcoholic treatment program will usually last around 28 days.  Programs much shorter than this are unlikely to be able to properly address all of the issues at stake.  If you consider that drying out from alcohol can take a week then you’ll see that time is of the essence even in a four week program.
For severe alcoholism, the longer you spend in alcoholic treatment the better your rehab outcome is likely to be.  Some alcohol rehab programs can last a few months and are likely to be your best option.  It’s best not to take any undue chances with this illness.
If your drinking is affecting your life or the lives of those around you please contact us for advice on how to stop drinking and reclaim your life.

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