If you or a loved one is addicted to steroids and seeking help, then you’re at the right place.
If you are unsure of what steroid addiction is, how it occurs, how can you check if you or someone you know is addicted to it and how it can be treated, then continue reading below as we will provide you with everything you need to know.
What is Steroids?
Steroids can be defined as a class of legal generic drugs, similar to the male sex hormone testosterone, which promotes rapid muscle growth and increases stamina.
Commonly used by athletes in various sporting codes, most notably bodybuilding, it improves performance through the above mentioned factors.
Apart from sport, steroids are also used medically, as medical practitioners often prescribe the drug to treat muscle weakness and anaemia.
Steroids can be taken orally as well as intravenously through injections.
Steroid addiction occurs when individuals take excessive amounts of the drug, well above of the recommended dosage.
Signs and Symptoms of Steroid Addiction
There are various signs and symptoms that may picked up in someone addicted to steroids.
When the addicted individual uses the drug, he or she will feel good about themselves.
In contrast however, the person may also suffer from mood swings which could lead to violence.
When the drugs are not available, the individual will feel depressed, show signs of paranoia, jealousy and be aggressive and delusional.
Apart from that, the use of steroids may also affect natural hormone production, which in males causes side effects such as shrinking testicles, erectile issues and acne.
In females, the side effects of using steroids include increased bodily hair growth, the shrinking of breasts, menstrual issues and acne.
In more serious cases, steroid addiction may lead to increased blood pressure, liver failure, strokes and fatality.
Steroid Addiction Treatment
Due to the nature of the withdrawal symptoms that addicts suffer when steroids aren’t available, it’s best to avoid quitting by oneself and to rather seek professional help.
The best way to treat the addiction is by residing at a rehab and receiving a medical detoxification, which will help in diminishing or removing any withdrawal symptoms that may be experienced.
The length of stay will be determined by the nature and severity of the addiction. In rehab, the individual will engage in various counselling methods such as one-on-one and group therapy, which will help in treating the addiction on a long term basis.
Once this has been completed, outpatient treatment is available and advised to be taken, as it will serve as a continuation of what was taught in rehab with the difference being that the recovering addict may return home and attend regular meetings.
Tertiary care can also be provided for those looking to continue with therapy and will better their chances of avoiding a relapse in the future.
For more information on how to get you or a loved one into treatment, call us now and we will gladly assist you.