Do you think that you or a loved one could be addicted to sex and love?
If so, then it’s important that you know the correct facts before taking further action.
Below you will be educated about what sex and love addiction is, what the signs and symptoms are and what can be done to help those addicted to it.
What is Sex and Love Addiction?
Being addicted to sex and love can be very harmful when left unnoticed.
While sex and love might be two different things, an addiction to it often entails both.
This addiction can be broken up into many situations, such as being sexually and emotionally involved with people one hardly knows, constantly thinking about sex or showing signs of excessive reliance and obsession to one or more individuals.
Addicts will misconstrue love with sex and will therefore continue to seek for relationships and sex.
They will also trick people into sex and love by making them believe it is a way of supporting them.
Another factor of sex and love addiction is that some people might have a fear of being alone and will therefore remain in harmful and unhealthy relationships.
Addicted individuals will also try to prove that they aren’t addicted by avoiding any form of sexual or emotional involvement, thinking that this is the way to recover their addiction.
Signs and Symptoms of Sex and Love Addiction
It is much easier to identify the symptoms of an addiction to sex than that of love due to the fact most of the symptoms are emotional.
However, some symptoms to be on the lookout for include the excessive need and use of pornography, having affairs outside marriage or relationships and using various methods to gain sexual stimulation such as cybersex, prostitution and even phone sex.
Addicts will also look to engage in illegal activities to satisfy their addiction, however it’s important to understand that because someone may be addicted to sex and love, it does not make them become sexual offenders.
Relationships with loved ones and work colleagues will also decrease due to the nature of the addiction.
Sex and Love Addiction
It’s important to understand that the aim of treatment isn’t to stop having relationships or having sex.
The main goal is to promote healthy relationships, whether it is sexual or emotional.
The best way to treat this type of addiction is by residing in a rehabilitation centre, where various counselling and therapy will be done to help you understand the importance of recovering from your addiction and how to have healthy relationships.
Secondary care is also vital in ensuring that a relapse doesn’t occur once the individual has been discharged from rehab. It will serve as a continuation of what was taught during treatment.
For more information on how to get yourself or a loved one into treatment, feel free to call us now and our accredited addiction counsellors will gladly assist in finding the best rehabilitation available.