If you or someone close to you is addicted to mandrax, it’s important to have some idea of what continued use may cause and what can be done to stop the addiction.
Below are a few indicators that are common in mandrax addicts and the treatment options available.
What is Mandrax?
Also known as methqualone, mandrax is a drug with sedative properties, as it first originated from barbiturate medicines such as sleeping pills and anxiety medications.
This was sold around the world as Quaalude and South Africa is the only country to smoke it as mandrax on a dagga pipe.
Mandrax comes in many shapes, most commonly in tablet or in a powdered form.
Signs and Symptoms of Mandrax Addiction
Mandrax slows down the body’s nervous system, which alleviates stress (one of the main reasons why people become addicted to the drug).
Excessive use of mandrax can lead to imbalances in movement, sight, thinking, speaking as well as a decline in the performance of the respiratory system.
Over dosages which occur commonly due to an increased tolerance for the drug can lead to blackouts, coma and death.
People who are addicted to mandrax for years often suffer illnesses such as anaemia, liver damage and depression.
Pregnant mothers who abuse mandrax may bear children that suffer from respiratory difficulties such as breathing and eating, sleeping disorders as well as an increased risk of fevers and other illnesses.
When the drug is not available or the addict cannot obtain it, withdrawal symptoms such as sleeplessness, delirium, stress and in some cases death.
Mandrax Addiction Treatment
Once an addiction to mandrax has been established, the first step would be getting the addicted individual into a rehabilitation center where a detoxification will be done to remove the harmful toxins out of the body.
Following a medical detox, the next step is being admitted into a rehab for a minimum of 28 days, where the individual will be educated about their addiction and all the signs and symptoms that come with it.
In rehab, the individual will also be taught on how to avoid situations that could trigger a craving for mandrax as well as abstinence and sobriety skills.
Once a residential stay has been completed, secondary care is next on the agenda as it follows on and goes in a little deeper to what was taught in rehabilitation.
The final phase of treatment is known as tertiary care, where the individual is slowly integrated back into society with the use of a social worker.
Finding the correct rehab for you can be a difficult task, as everyone’s addiction symptoms will differ. If you need help in finding one, please contact WeDoRecover and we would be happy to help.
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