Drug Treatment Facilities

Drug treatment facilities are specialist clinics that exist to help clients stop using drugs, learning how to live a fulfilled and happy life without being addicted to alcohol or other drugs.
Drug addiction causes the addict to live in a cycle of misery that is fraught with physical danger and emotional despair.  Other consequences such as financial troubles and problems with relationships line the road of addiction like morbid milestones.  One successful way to stop using drugs and start turning life around is to seek help at a drug treatment facility.
You don’t have to trudge down the road of active drug addiction all the way to its inevitable destructive end.  Once you realise that you are walking a path to “rock bottom” it’s possible to ask for help and stop the decline.  Addicts often know at a gut level that they need help but avoid seeking help or simply don’t know where to find appropriate drug treatment facilities that can help.
Not all addicts are the same and so even if two people are using the same drug of abuse they may be affected differently.  The program in drug treatment facilities must be able to deal with these individual differences.  There is no solution that will fit everybody equally.  This is true right from the beginning of detoxification to the point of discharge and aftercare.
The detoxification process in drug treatment facilities is intended to help the addict overcome the withdrawal symptoms that arise because of their dependence on drugs.  These protocols have been developed through years of experience and research.  When conducted by a medical doctor they are safe, relatively comfortable and nearly always successful.
This means that you can stop using drugs with the help of a detox program but how can you stay off drugs for good?  The program in drug treatment facilities is designed to promote lasting addiction recovery – which implies that your whole life is changed.  Recovery affects all areas of life – mental, physical, spiritual, vocational and social.
Drug treatment facilities usually offer a variety of programs – such as outpatient addiction treatment programs, aftercare sessions and inpatient (residential) treatment.  Outpatient programs are geared more towards people that can detox by themselves and don’t need the level of structure that is offered in an inpatient program.  Aftercare sessions are offered exclusively to patients who have completed treatment.
Drug treatment facilities traditionally use addiction counselling as the basis for treatment.  Recent studies have found that the chemical imbalances that result from addictive substance abuse can make it more difficult to recover.
There are several different sorts of groups offered in these programs.  Group therapy sessions are held with a facilitator and the community.  The members of the group are able to receive support from one another.  By receiving feedback on what they have shared patients in drug treatment facilities can learn about themselves and identify areas of their life.
Individual counselling sessions are also offered to patients.  These confidential sessions create a safe environment for the client to share issues that may be too painful to open up about in group.  These sessions will lead the patient through a process of self-discovery and catharsis.
Through these twin sorts of therapy, drug addiction counsellors aim to help their patients identify unhealthy behaviours and find new proactive behaviours to overcome them.  Healthy behaviours are promoted and patients learn to cope with stress in less destructive manners than using alcohol or other drugs.
Counsellors at drug treatment facilities will often invite the family members of patients in to the treatment centre.  They will conduct joint sessions with the patient and their family, as well as present workshops that teach the family how to deal with the patient better.
If your life is spiralling out of control due to drug addiction and you want help in regaining your dignity please contact one of our treatment corodinators today.

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