Drug Rehab Treatment Costs

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment clinics. If you follow the links to “Find a Rehab” you will be able to print a voucher to present at the clinic when you arrive. When booking ensure that the rehab is aware that you are coming from We Do Recover so that they will honour your discount voucher! Remember that we can place you at a wide range of addiction treatment facilities in South Africa and that you should contact us for help in finding one.

The bottom line

Treatment in Europe is an expensive undertaking. The favourable exchange rate makes addiction treatment in South Africa a very competitive option that is an investment into your future. When making an investment you should investigate all the risks and benefits of each offer. Only then can you wisely make an informed decision. Our expertise in the treatment industry and our intimate knowledge of the figures in the South African addictions treatment field will help you to choose a facility that matches your personal needs. Treatment will usually cost between £300 to £500 per week in a South African substance abuse treatment facility. Please compare this price to European options that offer a similar service – you will quickly see why so many Europeans are coming to South Africa!

Favourable exchange rates

Prices are quoted in rands but you can easily find the exchange rate using Google. Unfortunately facilities do change their prices without notice and so these prices may be out of date.

FacilityFees(in Euro)
Upmarket Treatment On The CoastR 40,000 pm€ 3,286 pm
* Medium Term Extended PrimaryR 6,234 pw€ 500 pw
* Secondary CareR 3,900 pw€ 330 pw
* Tertiary CareR 5,000 pm€ 410 pm
Farm outside a minor townR 22,000 pm€ 1808 pm
Upmarket step down facilityR 10,000 pm€ 821 pm
Detox (private room)R 2,000 pd€ 164 pd
Luxury extended care (private room)R 85,000 pm€ 6982 pm
Luxury extended care (shared room)R 63,500 pm€ 5216 pm

An asterisk * means that the same facility offers different layers of care.

Ongoing case management

We Do Recover refers to the same world class facilities that many European and British agencies and intervention specialists are sending to. We do an assessment of your treatment needs through e-Therapy with a trained professional. You may well wonder why our prices are lower than certain other referral agencies or counsellors. We send patients to the exact same clinics, our assessments are performed by fully qualified professionals, so why are our costs lower? It’s because our case management fee is lower.

Continuum of Treatment

Treatment is provided on a graded scale that caters for your needs as you grow in recovery. We are able to refer you to top clinics that cater for each phase of treatment. At each level of treatment there are several options so we can tailor the pricing of each phase of treatment to match your pocketbook and your particular needs. Because of the lower price of drug and alcohol rehab in South Africa you will be able to afford to stay longer. Many of our UK visitors spend up to 6 months in South Africa. During their last 2-3 months they are usually able to explore South Africa and visit the local tourist attractions.


Our service is primarily one of providing you with advice on which South African treatment facility is most likely going to suit your particular needs. We Do Recover will liaise with your treatment facility and provide case management for you while you are in South Africa. We are available to you for assistance while you are in South Africa. This helps us to ensure that the clinic is working with the issues that you identified as important.

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