The A-Z of Addiction Recovery

Are you addicted to drugs or alcohol? Do you know of someone who is? If that’s the case, then it’s important to get help immediately before things get out of hand.
However, this is easier said than done. Treatment won’t be easy but it sure is worth it. In this article, we’re going to provide you with the A-Z of addiction recovery to make sure that you are well prepared for the obstacles that lie ahead.

A is for Acceptance

Acceptance is very important in addiction recovery, because the sooner that you accept that you have a problem, the easier it will be.
In fact, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) talks about acceptance in the ‘Big Book’, one of the most important publications used in all forms addiction treatment today.
Quoting page 449: “And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation–some fact of my life–unacceptable to me and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.”

B is for Behaviour

Behaviour can be defined as the way that we act or control ourselves. We are all responsible for our own actions and we have the ability to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong.
If we can behave in the correct manner in rehab and after, there is no reason why long term addiction recovery can’t be achieved.

C is for Commitment

Unfortunately, there is simply no functional cure for addiction. Recovery requires lots of hard work and commitment to ensure that you are able to live a happy and normal life again.

D is for Detoxification

Usually used as the starting point in rehab, detoxification or detox for short plays a very important part in the addiction recovery process.
It helps to remove the harmful toxins of the narcotic substance out of the body and also minimises the effects of any cravings or withdrawal symptoms that might be experienced.
Detoxification also prepares the patient for the next phase of addiction treatment, which involves counselling, therapy and education.

E is for Educational Lectures

Educational lectures is another vital component of rehab, as it helps to teach the recovering addict to why they became addicted in the first place, what the signs and symptoms were and also, what they can do to prevent this from happening again.

F is for Family Program

Addiction is often called a family disease, as the people closest to the addict are usually the ones that are affected the most.
The family program helps to rebuild any relationships that may have been broken and it also teaches the recovering addict’s family how to support their loved one once treatment has ended.

G is for Group Therapy

Group therapy gives recovering addicts the opportunity to engage and learn from people in similar positions as themselves.
The session will be led by a qualified addiction counsellor, who uses the expressive communication of the group members to help to help deal with any problems that they might be experiencing.

H is for Halfway House

A halfway house gives patients who feel that they are not ready to return back into society the opportunity to live in a sober living environment.
All residents are required to be out of the halfway house during the day doing something meaningful to their addiction recovery efforts such as working or studying but will sleep, eat and socialise with the people inside the sober home.

I is for Inpatient Treatment

Often seen as the best form of rehab, inpatient treatment involves a residential stay in an addiction recovery centre for a minimum of 4 weeks, where patients will receive a detox, medical care, counselling and therapy.

J is for Job Coach

A job coach is someone who offers support and guidance to those struggling with a disability or addiction by helping them to understand the requirements of a job and adapting them into the work environment.

K is for Ketamine

Ketamine is a sedative drug that comes in the form of a liquid, tablet or powder. The distribution and using of this drug is illegal, so stay away from it at all costs. Only use the medication prescribed to you by your medical professional.

L is for Long Term Recovery

This the main aim of any and every addiction treatment program: to achieve long term recovery.
The fact that there is no cure for addiction doesn’t make this impossible. It requires lots of perseverance and commitment.

M is for Motivation

Motivation makes the chances of slipping back into the addictive ways much smaller. The happier and more motivated you are, the better are your chances of achieving addiction recovery.

N is for Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a self help organisation for those who are addicted to drugs and want to achieve long term addiction recovery.
The most important part of Narcotics Anonymous is the 12 step program, which helps every addict to maintain their own addiction recovery goals.

O is for Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is similar to inpatient treatment with one difference: it does not involve a residential stay in rehab. Patients will be required to attend regular daily meetings in the evenings during the week while staying at home or in a sober living environment.
Outpatient treatment is perfect for those who have just completed a stint in rehab or simply cannot stay in rehab due to other important obligations. However, before this form of rehab can be obtained, there are certain requirements that have to be met.

Here are two of the most important ones:

1. Can the patient handle cravings and withdrawal symptoms outside of rehab?
2. Is the individual motivated to achieve their own addiction recovery?

Random drug testing will also be done to ensure that all patients stay clean and sober in outpatient treatment.

P is for Perception

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and other important bodies classify addiction as a brain disease as it changes the way we think and act.

Drugs and alcohol are brain stimulating substances that alter the way we think and perceive the world around us. When some is addicted, their perception of the problem is often distorted and will fail to see that there is anything wrong.

Q is for Quart

A quart is a nickname that’s often used for a quarter gram of a drug. Depending how powerful the drug is, in some cases a quart is all that’s needed to cause severe damage to an addicts health and wellbeing.

R is for Relapse Prevention

Relapses are the biggest danger in addiction recovery.
A relapse can be defined as an addicts fall back into their old addictive ways after a stint in rehab. In some cases, a relapse can occur even before they individual has used the narcotic substance.
Relapse prevention plays an important part in the addiction treatment program, as it helps recovering addicts prepare themselves to deal with any situations that may cause them to use drugs or alcohol once again.

S is for Sponsor

A sponsor is an individual, who is usually a recovering addict themselves, that helps and mentors those who have just come out of addiction treatment.

T is for Time

It’s important to understand that addiction recovery will not happen overnight, even if you just finished a period in rehab. It takes time and the longer you stay clean and sober, the better!

U is for Urges

Urges can be defined as cravings to use drugs and alcohol again. With the skills that addicts are taught in rehab, there is no reason why they cannot control any urges they might experience after
addiction treatment.

V is for Values

Our values are the standards and the principles in life. The way we behave, think and speak will all have an effect on what our values are.

W is for Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal Symptoms are a set of physical and mental feelings that can be experienced when a addict stops using or cannot get hold of drugs or alcohol.
Commonly, withdrawal feelings include things such as nausea, headaches, body sweats, anxiety and agitation.

X is for Xanax

Xanax is a type of benzodiazepine drug that is commonly used in the treatment of anxiety.
This drug is also very addictive and dosages should only be determined by your medical doctor to prevent an addiction forming.

Y is for Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise that originates from Hindu disciplines, that helps to improve an individual’s physical and mental control.

Z is for Zero Tolerance

Zero tolerance means not tolerating anything related to the use of drugs. This is often enforced by law, in businesses and communities as a strategy to minimise the damage of addiction.

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Addiction can be treated. We have firsthand experience and can offer real insights or support for you or your loved one. Contact us today or call us on 081 444 7000 for a confidential conversation.

Founded in 2008, WeDoRecover has evolved from an advisory service for addiction treatment into a comprehensive provider of care, following its 2019 merger with Changes Addiction Rehab in Johannesburg. Specialising in connecting patients to top-tier addiction treatment centers in the UK, South Africa and supporting individuals in recovery world wide.

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