Living Spiritually In Recovery

One of the most commonly shared traits amongst addiction sufferers is that they do not exactly like themselves.  They generally suffer from low self-esteem, which can be as bad as blatantly hating themselves and very often, this has gone as far as a suicide attempt or two or three. Living in recovery means embracing a […]

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Understanding Eating Disorders

As children reach puberty they undergo dramatic physical changes and start facing new social pressures. They start feeling very self-conscious about how they look and feel an increased need to be accepted. Unfortunately, a small proportion of kids and teens develop an unhealthy obsession with their self-image that can become an eating disorder. There are […]

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Eating Disorder Tips For Family Members

Watching a family member deliberately starve themself is very distressing. Anorexia Nervosa is a complex eating disorder characterised by an obsessive fear of gaining weight, leading to severe restriction of food intake. It’s important to understand that anorexia is not just a diet gone wrong but a serious mental health issue. Individuals with anorexia often […]

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After Detox, how do I beat drug and alcohol addiction?

If detoxification is the first step to beating alcohol and drug abuse then what follows?  It’s only after successfully removing the residual chemicals that patients are ready to start their addiction treatment program in earnest. The importance of detox It’s important to detoxify because drugs and alcohol cloud addicted peoples judgement and perceptions and without […]

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How to Stay Sober

Wednesday 2nd October 2013 If you’re in addiction recovery, understand that you’re always recovering. The more sacrifices you make from the get-go, the easier will things become. Unfortunately, many people in addiction recovery still can’t give up something they should, which is why they eventually relapse. It could be their ‘friends’ or even the places […]

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How to Overcome Fear in Addiction Recovery

Tuesday 1st October 2013 One of the biggest obstacles for many people in addiction recovery is fear. But what exactly are they afraid of? In addiction treatment, addicts receive constant medical care & psychological support from the experienced counsellors & therapists inside the clinic. Now that they’ve completed the program, they’re suddenly on their own. […]

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