What is Codependency and What is the treatment for Codependency

Do you constantly put the needs of others above your own needs? Do you feel that you need to do everything for the people you love? If you answered yes, then you might be suffering from co-dependency. This article will answer the two main questions about this condition: What is co-dependency and what is the treatment for co-dependency?

What is Codependency?

Codependent individuals will feel as if they are responsible for duties that others are supposed to do, especially when a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol. They will feel as if their loved one needs their help and the addict will often take advantage of this when trying to maintain their addiction. Codependent people may also find it difficult to say ‘no’ to their drug or alcohol addicted loved one, despite being in an abusive relationship with them. Codependents think that if they continue to help and love the addict, they will eventually choose to quit their drug or alcohol use and in some cases, they may even feel responsible for the addiction themselves. The truth is by stopping the alcoholic or addict to take responsibility of their actions, codependents are actually inadvertently assisting the addiction. Codependents will also struggle to make decisions by themselves and will often let others decide what is best for them or what they should do. Codependent individuals behave like this to feel wanted and loved. Sometimes, they may even become angry and upset when they realise that they are not getting the same compassion in return. Doing the responsibilities of the addict may even affect their ability to complete their own duties at work or at home. This may lead to the loss of other important relationships, careers and might even put them into financial trouble.

What is the Treatment for Codependency?

There are various methods to help treat codependency. The best way to treat codependency is by residing inside an addiction treatment centre, where the individual will be put through counselling and therapy to help change their behaviour, while staying in a safe and supportive environment. Counselling and therapy gets to the root of the problem, as it will teach the codependent about their illness, how it’s negatively affecting themselves and their loved ones as well as learning new skills on how to avoid behaving like this in the future.  Al-Anon and Nar-Anon meetings are also highly effective in helping the family members and friends of drug or alcohol addicts. They provide support groups, which helps in educating them about their loved one’s addiction and also helps start the healing of any relationships that were broken while the person was under the influence of the substance. Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a recovery program that aims to develop healthy relationships. Based on the 12-step Minnesota model, CoDA meetings helps teach people how to create good relationships with their loved ones and also how to effectively look after themselves.

For more information about these organisations, click here:

Al-Anon: http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/
Nar-Anon: http://www.nar-anon.org/Nar-Anon/Nar-Anon_Home.html
CoDA: http://www.coda.org/

If you think you might be suffering with a codependency problem, we provide access into the best private addiction rehabilitation centres in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand. Call us now and let one of our qualified addiction counsellors assist in finding the best treatment available for you.

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