A sense of safety for patients and good rapport with the addictions counselling team are the paramount goals of a rehabilitation centre treating addicted or alcoholic patients. Addiction rehabs create safety by ensuring that the clinic’s atmosphere is a long distance away from the familiar culture of Addiction that all patients were once immersed in. This is no easy task as the continual stream of new patients brings with them a continual stream of dis-ease, all the cultural mannerisms, language and dress code of active addiction.
Patients who are new to rehab will take some time to settle into the routines of eating regular meals, sleeping at the same time at night, oral and other hygiene practices etc. Their old ways of walking and talking a certain way will need to change. Older patients who have begun this transition to a culture of healthy recovery can be helpful in assisting newer patients to do the same. Through these strategies, fear of change and feelings of desperation or helplessness can be dealt with. Developing a solid rapport with a professional addictions counsellor that they can trust is a huge contributor to allowing patients to begin a journey of sobriety and all the good things that come with it, health and a return to the community, for example.
Admission to a Rehabilitation Centre
Inpatient or residential, treatment lengths of around 90 days, has for severe addictions, been proven to be more effective than shorter stay in rehab. If a patient has developed tolerance to the drug or alcohol and suffers withdrawals, then detoxification is necessary and will most likely not take place as an out-patient. Look for an accredited centre with good levels of comfort and medical support.
For free advice on finding a rehab centre and to gain immediate entry, contact a professional service. WeDoRecover.com has addiction treatment expertise and knowledge of the accredited centres in your area. They will find the best recovery centre for you and explain what happens in rehab.
Safe Environment Essential for Detox of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Detox is the cleansing of the body of harmful substances, requiring 24 hour monitoring. Medication is used to control symptoms of withdrawal and must be managed by a medical professional. A high fluid intake is encouraged and B vitamins are often taken to manage the stress occurring within the body during detoxification. Detox for most drugs, including alcohol, takes 3-10 days and prepares the body for rehabilitation. In some cases, as with Benzodiazepines, Post Acute Withdrawals (PAWS) can complicate matters and a detoxification period of up to 12 weeks may be necessary!
Please be advised that alcohol is one of only two drugs that, if you’re drinking enough of it and stop suddenly without medical assistance, severe physical complications -including seizures and death can result. Please do not try to stop drinking or using drugs or alcohol on your own, seek medical advice or contact us to help you devise the best way forward.
Rehab Programmes Use Multiple Therapies for Recovery of Addiction
In a supportive environment, a combination of therapies will be offered to suit the needs of each individual and their varied addiction history.
These may include:
- Medication – not a cure but assists the transition between detox and learning new skills needed in recovery. It’s important that the difference between abstinence and recovery is recognised. Being clean doesn’t equal recovery but is a necessary pre-requisite.
- Behavioural contracts – the client taking responsibility for working towards recovery. A critical ingredient, as without some level of personal responsibility, how will patients ever stay clean and sober outside of a treatment setting?
- Counselling / psychotherapy – various levels of counselling therapy depending on the history of addiction abuse. Most quality alcohol rehab’s and addiction facilities use individual counselling and group therapy sessions. Ask about the ratio of therapists to clients as the better quality clinics will have measures in place to ensure appropriate ratios.
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – functional retraining of thoughts and actions. Sometimes we act on incorrect thought, CBT helps to stop this.
- Mutual group help – developing trust in self, confidence in social settings and understanding the value of both giving and receiving support from peers. This sense of universality, of being connected and not being alone anymore, is an immensely important part of early recovery.
- Physical and nutritonal care – enhancing general health. A lifestyle of active addiction is incredibly unhealthy. Normalising sleeping and eating patterns will take time.
- Medical assistance and management of other health issues. A comprehensive view of the addicted or alcoholic person is key to help determine the most effective treatment plan and way ahead.
Philosophy of Addiction Rehabilitation Programmes
As well as therapy, each rehabilitation centre will have a philosophy which acts as a guideline for clients to follow and assess their progress. A popular and established approach to the treatment of alcoholism and addiction are the 12 Step facilitation programmes. Originally developed for the recovery of alcohol addiction during the 1950s in Minnesota, USA and modeled on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, which was founded in Akron, Ohio, 10th June 1935. This 12 step approach works well for other types of addiction treatment too. Other options are non-step programmes and religious and non-religious programmes. The principles of recovery have changed little over the past fifty years. It is our understanding of addiction and the variety of therapies that have evolved tremendously and come a long way in supporting addiction recovery.
Continuing Care for Sobriety for Long-Term Benefits
Sobriety on its own is not enough to consider someone in true recovery. Personal health and ability to attend to the details of daily life and eventually giving back to the community are necessary aspects of recovery for a drug user or alcoholic. Recovery has become a term for long-term abstinence from addiction with the ability to partake in all other aspects of life. Abstinence from drugs or alcohol alone doesn’t address the underlying causes and conditions of addiction to alcohol, and this is very important. Skills for sustainable, happy and useful sobriety can be learnt and practised in an addiction rehab in Johannesburg that provides a secure environment free from old routines and influences.
What happens out of rehab is the continuing use of support systems and skills that have been learnt in rehab to develop a personal and social future.