The Basics of Alcohol Abuse & Addiction

Alcohol plays a major part in today’s society. It’s a legal drug that’s socially accepted and used in various religions and cultures all over the world. However, the fact that it’s socially accepted and legal makes it one of the most dangerous narcotic substances on the planet. Every year, scores of people around the world die due to alcohol-related deaths. However, the alcohol abuse rates still continue to climb. In fact, the 2011 US National Survey on Drug Use and Health compiled by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration stated that “nearly one quarter (22.6 percent) of persons aged 12 or older participated in binge drinking.” Now the fact that so many people abuse alcohol at such a young age is alarming if one considers the long term effects it causes. The damage that alcohol abuse causes not only to the abuser but also to the people around them is almost endless. Death, unemployment and crime are just some of the damaging effects it causes.

When someone drinks alcohol, the physical effects that can be experienced range from mood changes, loss of balance and impaired vision and speech, which eventually disappears a few hours after drinking. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can change the way the brain normally functions or cause alcohol poisoning. However, not many people know the basics of alcohol abuse & addiction. An alcohol abuser is someone who drinks massive amounts of alcohol in a short space of time in order to feel its effects. The US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) says that the binge drinking limit is different between men and women. The NIAAA states that “for women, this usually occurs after about 4 drinks and for men, after about 5.”

Determining whether you or a loved one could be an alcohol abuser can be a tricky task but here are 3 questions to ask or answer that will help you find out:

1. Do you or a loved one drink alcohol to become drunk?
2. Do you or a loved one drink more than the alcohol abuse limit as mentioned above?
3. Do you or a loved one find it hard to quit drinking once started?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then it’s a clear sign that an alcohol abuse problem is present and professional help needs to be sought after immediately before things get worse. When an alcohol abuse problem is ignored and left to continue over time, a full blown addiction may develop. This means that the alcoholic’s body and mind needs alcohol to function normally. Without it, the addict may experience pain and discomfort until they are able to drink again.
When this happens, the only safe way to treat it is by admittance into an alcohol treatment center, as the withdrawal symptoms may just be too severe and painful without getting medical assistance. Finding a good quality alcohol treatment center can be a tricky task but luckily for you, we are here to help. We provide access to the best private addiction treatment centers in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand.

Call us now and let one of our qualified addiction counsellors find the best treatment for you or your loved one.

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