Relapse After Rehab

Relapse After Rehab

The biggest fear that many recovering addicts have after completing drug or alcohol rehabilitation is the possibility of a relapse occurring. In fact, the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) state that “approximately 90 percent of alcoholics are likely to experience at least one relapse over the 4-year period following treatment.” While this statistic may seem scary, there’s no reason why addicts should suffer a relapse after rehab. With the right guidance, mentorship and preparation, the danger of it happening can be avoided. Completing drug addiction treatment or alcohol rehab is an achievement to be proud of. However, it doesn’t mean that the battle has now been won. In fact, it’s only the beginning. Unfortunately, there is no cure for addiction. Recovery is a lifelong commitment to remaining clean and sober from drugs or alcohol. In addiction treatment, recovering addicts will be taught how to avoid using drugs or alcohol again. Once discharged, it’s now up to the individual to put these newly-learned skills into action. The recovery path isn’t an easy one but knowing how to prevent you falling back into the abyss of addiction is important. Here’s how you can avoid a relapse.

Reward Your Achievements

Did you know that every single day an addict remains clean and sober from alcohol or drugs is an accomplishment to be proud of? To make sure that you remain on the straight and narrow, take note of your progress and reward yourself for every short term goal you reach. For example, treat yourself to a nice meal at your favourite restaurant when you achieve one week of sobriety. To make things better, get a loved one on board to monitor your progress as well and let them pay for your bill!

Join a Support Group

Joining support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can play a big part in helping recovering addicts stay sober. Why? In these support groups, you will be interacting with people in a similar position as yourself, sharing and fighting the same battle. Participation in these support groups also helps recovering addicts stay motivated and it gives you the platform to share any problems or troubles that you may be experiencing.

Stop Cravings and Temptations

It’s important to stay away from anyone, anything or any place that may trigger the need to use alcohol or drugs again. Even if it means staying away from friends or family that use drugs or alcohol or staying away from parties or events where these narcotic substances may be used, you have to avoid cravings and temptations at all costs.

Avoid Stress

Stress causes relapses.
In fact, you may previously have become addicted to drugs or alcohol as a method to deal with stress before. It’s important to find other ways to manage your stress levels after addiction treatment. Exercise, paint or even find a new hobby, just find a safer and healthier way to deal with stress in your life.

Relapse After Rehab Doesn’t Spell Failure!
Should you relapse after rehab, it’s important to understand that it’s not the end of the world. What is key is how you react to the mistake that’s been made. Luckily for you, we are here to help you should you suffer a relapse. We provide access into the best private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand. Call us now and let one of our qualified addiction counsellors assist in finding the best treatment for you!

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