Knowing How To Stay Clean After Alcohol Rehab

Knowing How To Stay Clean After Alcohol Rehab

Did you know that there is a 90% chance that recovering alcoholics may suffer a relapse after alcohol rehab? The US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), state that “There is evidence that approximately 90 percent of alcoholics are likely to experience at least one relapse over the 4-year period following treatment.” This statistic clearly indicates the importance of knowing how to stay clean after alcohol rehab. Below you will be able to find some helpful tips on how you can assist your or a loved one’s alcoholism recovery.

Be Open Minded

Think about this for moment: Why did I go into alcohol rehab?

One of your answers will most likely be that you could not stop drinking alcohol by yourself. Alcohol rehab has two important purposes:

1. To remove the harmful toxins of alcohol from your body
2. To show you how better life can be without alcohol

Alcohol rehab is designed to help you achieve long term sobriety, so it’s advisable to take the advice of the addiction professionals and follow them to the letter.

Learn To Take Advice

Now is not the time to be stubborn. It’s important to embrace the help and knowledge of others. Yes, you may think that it’s your life and body; therefore you’ll know what’s best for you. The fact of the matter is that your previous decisions led to an alcohol problem. Take advice from others and allow them to help you. Your family, friends and even the staff at the alcohol rehab centre only want what’s best for you. Allowing others in your life and decisions will tremendously help your alcoholism recovery.

Get Aftercare

We would love to tell you that your drinking problem has now been resolved after you completed alcohol rehab. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There is no cure for any alcoholism, let alone any addiction. Recovery is a lifetime commitment to remaining clean and sober after alcohol rehab. The relapse statistic we mentioned above should also provide you with enough motivation to get further treatment and aftercare provides exactly that. Aftercare is highly effective in helping addicts through the early stages of recovery after alcohol rehab and achieving long term sobriety. If you are interested in getting into an aftercare program, give us a call and we will gladly assist you.

Get Long Term Alcohol Treatment

The longer you stay in treatment, the better are your chances of achieving long term sobriety. While treatment may be lengthy, it will help cover all the bases in alcohol rehab to ensure that you are healthy and best prepared for a return into society.

Go To Outpatient Meetings

Also known as secondary care, outpatient meetings give recovering alcoholics fresh out of treatment the chance to continue what was taught inside alcohol rehab, just in further detail. The meetings run daily during the week, giving the recovering alcoholic time to do their daily duties while attending these outpatient sessions in the evenings.

For access to quality outpatient treatment, call us immediately and we’ll gladly assist you. Joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is another great way to assist your alcoholism recovery. They are recognised worldwide and are highly effective in helping recovering alcoholics achieve long-term sobriety through their program called the 12-steps, which is a guideline of principles aimed to help your recovery from addiction.

For more information about the 12-steps, click here:

Find A Sponsor

Finding a sponsor after alcohol rehab will greatly assist your alcohol recovery. Why? A sponsor is someone who mentors another individual through their recovery. This person will help the recovering alcoholic know where they’ve come from and it also teaches the individual to have empathy. You can find a sponsor at AA or outpatient meetings and it’s important to stay in contact with them each day. This will give you the opportunity to learn and take heart from someone who’s been in a similar situation before.

Call Us For Help

If you or your loved one has just come out of alcohol rehab, we know how tough it will be to stay clean and sober. If you need help, feel free to call us now. We provide access to the best private alcohol rehab centres in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Thailand.

Call us now and let our qualified addiction counsellors assist your alcoholism recovery.

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