Investigating Chronic Relapse

Often people need multiple attempts at substance abuse treatment. Each time they are checked in to a drug rehab they are willing and motivated to work the program but for some reason just a few months later they find themselves picking up again. It may be easy to give up hope and label such people as “irredeemable” after they have been in a number of addiction rehabilitation programs but there is still hope.

Why should such a large percentage of people seeking treatment for alcoholism or substance abuse relapse afterwards? Certainly returning to the old lifestyle is a high risk. Leaving drug and alcohol addiction treatment and resuming relationships with old friends and visiting old haunts can be a strong trigger for relapse.

Chronic Relapse

Relapse is a common occurrence in any chronic illness and the rate of relapse in addiction is no different than for other chronic illnesses. Despite this, we believe that relapse is avoidable through the guidance of a treatment program and with the proper motivation of the addict to follow suggestions and work on changing his/her behaviour. If the individual maintains the commitment that he/she had while in a drug rehabilitation clinic in South Africa then there is no reason to relapse.

A substance abuse treatment program will teach the patient to take responsibility and face squarely up to the demands of life. Drug rehab in Cape Town (and elsewhere) teach life skills that can be applied to the new experience of having to deal with sober living. People relapse when they disregard what they learned in drug rehab centres.

In Western cultures, women are more likely to seek social help when they are stressed. This means that they are more likely to engage in support groups and share their difficulties when they are stressed. They get a lot of support from their friends compared to men. Because of this women are less likely to relapse after leaving drug rehabilitation centres in Cape Town.

Binge drinking on alcohol is a culturally expected behaviour for many young people. They may leave school and start binge drinking as part of their social life. This can lead to a chronic drinking problem and alcohol dependency that may need treatment in drug rehab centres in Cape Town, South Africa.

American studies suggest that people who develop a dependence on alcohol before age 25 are less likely to come to a drug treatment program in Cape Town, South Africa than people who develop dependence after the age of 30. In general, the earlier an alcohol problem develops the harder it is to stay sober.

Reducing Relapse

Reducing the rate of relapse can be accomplished by spending a long time in drug rehab in Cape Town, South Africa. The longer somebody has to consolidate the lessons learned the more likely lasting change is to occur. The favourable exchange rate makes drug rehab centres in Cape Town a very competitive option when compared to foreign alternatives.

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