Scientific Research behind Drug Addiction Rehabilitation-Part One

Drug addiction rehab needs to be customised for each individual, allowing them to face the causes and conditions that originally triggered their substance abuse.
It’s important to recognise that the drugs of abuse are only a symptom of underlying problems and until those are adequately addressed and the patient given the tools to find a suitable exit strategy, people don’t recover from drug addiction.
Drug addicts often struggle to meet life on life’s terms, forming true partnerships with other people and taking responsibility for themselves, their choices and their futures.
We, yes I’m including myself in this, often surround ourselves with co-dependents who will provide a buffer for us and take responsibly for things that we find difficult. This stops us from taking the necessary steps in areas that we need to grow in.
It’s often a family member of the patient that first makes contact with the drug addiction rehabilitation centre. It’s common to find that until the family has shifted and is no longer willing to play the same enabling role, the patient actually has no reason to change their behaviour and take responsibility for their drug addiction.
Most drug addicts are pressured into rehabilitation centres by their families and the fact that they are coerced into treatment has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER REHAB IS SUCCESSFUL OR NOT.
If you or a loved one has a drug abuse or addiction problem, please contact one of our counsellors today. Call us for a confidential chat; we’re trained to assess what addiction treatment will work best in your situation.
We make addiction treatment referrals to the best drug rehabs throughout the UK, South Africa and Thailand.
There have been significant advances through research in the field of drug abuse treatment in the last 15 years. We now know that drug addiction is a chronic illness prone to relapse and that rehabilitation centres show as much success as treatment for other chronic diseases.
Over the years scientific research has better enabled us to find the fundamental principles that determine what successful drug addiction rehabilitation incorporates.
Although drug abuse is harmful to the patient and their family, it is completely treatable.
Those who are now in addiction recovery, having progressed from substance abuse through treatment to fruitful, happy lives are proof that drug addiction is treatable.
There is not one single drug addiction rehabilitation method that caters for everyone and remaining in treatment for a sufficient time period is really important. There is unfortunately no cure-all for drug or alcohol dependence, so substance abuse treatment needs to be tailored to each individual circumstance.

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