Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres

Alcohol rehabilitation centres are perhaps the best way to help a person stop the cycle of destruction that problem drinking creates.  Anybody familiar with a victim of alcoholism has seen the chaos that surrounds their alcohol abuse.  Lost jobs, families and health problems are all common consequences of a drinking problem left untreated. The good news is that modern thought on the topic has concluded that alcoholism is a disease and like any other disease can be effectively treated.  There is hope!  Alcohol rehabilitation centres are those special clinics wherein the disease of alcoholism is arrested through alcohol detox and the patient helped to rebuild a dignified and fulfilled life.

If you’ve never been to one of the many alcohol rehabilitation centres that are available you may wonder what it’s all about.  It’s not possible (or certainly not easy) to completely describe what this sort of clinic is about in one article; there are simply too many competing schools of thought on what treatment entails.  Rather let us look at the general trend of effective alcoholism rehabilitation.

Modern alcohol rehabilitation centres are a far cry from what they used to be.  In the old days (1930-1950) they were little more than psychiatric centres that would “dry out” the alcoholic and then send them on their merry way.  Doctors at the time knew little about treating problem drinking and would sometimes prescribe experimental treatments out of desperation.

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Nowadays doctors can draw on decades of research and accurately prescribe medication to help the alcoholic detoxify with very little medical risk or physical discomfort. Naturally other fields have also evolved in the last few decades.  Psychology in particular has made leaps and bounds in understanding alcoholism and its treatment.  Most alcohol rehabilitation centres will employ psychologists as well as trained counsellors who are familiar with modern psychological theory.  They will work in conjunction with other addiction treatment consultants (doctors and psychiatrists) to effective manage the patient’s treatment.

Spiritual aspects of the patient’s well-being are also addressed.  This is typically done within the framework of a 12-step program which encourages a personal understanding of a Higher Power.  That is to say that alcohol rehabilitation centres generally won’t prescribe a particular faith or spiritual understanding but will rather promote the idea of spiritual healing and let the patient decide for himself/herself what to believe.  This may make some patients anxious but it is key to know that a good addictions counsellor will always respect the beliefs of the patient and won’t force any ideas upon them.

Along with the psychological and medical treatment offered, many alcohol rehabilitation centres will have facilities for patients to get some physical exercise.  This may be as simple as a guided walk around the area or as complicated as a gymnasium.  Research has shown that regular exercise has benefits to the emotional state as well as the obvious physical health benefits.
It also allows the patient to start exploring new avenues of relaxation – many actively drinking alcoholics would never dream of taking a stroll through the park with or without a drink in their hand.

Alcohol rehabilitation centres will also introduce support groups such as the well-known AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 12 step groups.  Patients will be encouraged to join these groups while in treatment and, very importantly, continue to attend them regularly following discharge.  Studies have shown that this sort of maintenance promotes a higher quality of recovery (a better life) as well as a longer length of abstinence from alcohol.  Additionally the feeling of having people who identify with their own experiences helps patients to have a sense of social belonging and well-being.
By combining these various approaches to treatment alcohol rehabilitation centres are able to effectively help patients to stop drinking and improve their lives dramatically.

Please contact us for expert and independent addictions advice and immediate admission to the best alcohol rehab facilities throughout the UK, South Africa and Thailand.
SA – 081 444 7000 (normal Cellular rates apply)
UK – 0800-955-4357 (UK Freephone addictions helpline)

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