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Addiction Treatment for Alcoholism

Alcohol is one of the biggest dangers on our planet today. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that it’s the cause of approximately 2.5 million deaths all around the world each year. Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is a chronic, incurable brain disease that gets worse the longer it’s left untreated. The sad thing is that […]

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How does the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step programme work?

The 12-Step meetings and programme focus on spirituality, self awareness and service to other struggling alcoholics and society. “Trust God, Clean house, Help others” is a common saying in Alcoholics Anonymous that sums up the entire 12step programme and principles. People are generally introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) when seeking alcohol detox advice or actually […]

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Alcohol and Drug Use

Alcohol and drug use remain a problem for individuals, their loved ones and society at large as its harmful effects impact everyone. The problems that alcohol and drug abuse create can be divided into three categories: Physical problems, psychological problems and social problems. The physical problems range from various illnesses and diseases such various […]

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How to Stop Drinking. Part One

If you or someone you know has asked the question: “How to stop drinking?” it can safely be assumed that the need to stop drinking is a very real one. Non-alcoholic drinkers that don’t abuse alcohol and have no problems with their drinking don’t find themselves wondering how to stop drinking alcohol. Let’s burrow […]

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Recovery from Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is a very serious condition that is characterized by drinking too much alcohol despite the negative consequences.  Perhaps it’s yourself you’re concerned about? Perhaps a loved one’s drinking has turned a corner and is now detrimental to the family and the drinker’s career, finances or health. Whoever’s now abusing alcohol, recovery from alcohol […]

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Alcohol Problem Signs

This article will help you to identify alcohol problem signs that will establish whether the drinker has either the warning signs of alcohol abuse or whether the drinking has already lead to alcohol dependence. It’s really best to treat alcohol problem signs as early as possible as alcoholism is a progressive illness that gets worse […]

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